With all the new furniture now available to people within the hotel, it is no wonder that we’re seeing many unique rooms such as this one (called 2012 Fashion Show and owned by .:FABI:.) pop up. This is a distinctive concept on Habbo, which has really proven out to be a new success. The room itself looks chic and modern and can really let models pose on the catwalk.
This idea in a way is a development from the old modeling industry that was once a pretty big part of Habbo. However, within this fashion room all you have to do is pose and viewers can simply hold up a number signifying if you’re hot or not.
Let’s move onto the pros of this room. The room itself is very well colour coordinated and you can see that everything is in place and not looking tacky. Also, the owner managed to capture the essence of the catwalk by layering furniture really well and it is the use levels that work out for the room. The owner also manages to switch on mood lights at the right time in order to capture the mood of a true catwalk.
However, the room can have a few tweaks and improvements here are there. I feel that the stage can be integrated much more so that it goes out into the audience. This will allow for a much cooler feel. Also, the use of lighting can be marginally improved. Seeing as Habbo has a much wider selection of lighting- it would be very nice to vary it up a bit and so that it encompasses more colours and effects- this way the fashion show would look more like the runways of Paris! You could even utilize some of the walls for lights.
All in all, however, this news reporter is feeling the urge to strut the catwalk and this room has really brought in a new dimension to the Habbo fashion scene and with a larger selection of clothes now available, it’s no wonder this room is proving out to be popular! However, when visting do beware as the fashion show isn’t on 24/7 and normally occurs during UK peak times, as we obviously need to give the models a break! Remember to tell us what you think about this cool room by clicking ‘read more’.
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