Super Maze by Alex.Boy.Jr
I don’t know about you, but I’m fed up of playing Wired mazes. I remember back in the day when all you could play was the odd collection of mats and trippers, and sometimes a few chairs randomly placed around a ‘Maze’ room. However, every so often, you’d find a great, enjoyable Mat Maze. Well, I’ve been searching Habbo and I’ve found an original one for you!
Following the classic Furni Maze layouts; hidden furni, mat mazes and even Find the Tele; the maze has a great variety, making it very fun to play. It’s been open since 2006 (a huge length of time) and I remember playing it a few years back, when it was more simple. He now offers the temptation of furni for every winner; making it more popular. I’m yet to see him online so I doubt I’ll be getting my prize but it doesn’t matter, I prefer playing it!
It’s not the most difficult maze in the world, I managed to finish it on my 3rd attempt, but that doesn’t make it bad! A lot of the mats and chairs are simple (no fancy illusion mazes here), which is a bit of a relief for me. The main issue I have is that when you fall you have to start from the beginning most times. The rooms themselves are quite simple, yet the classic style (such as the red TV/stool maze) is really effective. A few rooms could do with a bit more theming as they look very bare and mismatched but overall it’s a good design.
Definitely one to recommend, and despite it being full of trolls (just report them and wait it out – they’ll get bored soon enough) is one of my favourite simple mazes.
Click here to visit the room and leave your own review in the comments, along with your favourite mazes for me to review next week!
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