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Actress’ Reflections On Troubling Past Scenes0
By - Posted 8th April, 2018 at 2:07 pm Entertainment

Actress Molly Ringwald, who is best known for starring in The Breakfast Club, Sixteen Candles, and Pretty In Pink, has come forward and revealed some surprising new details after dwelling on by her past movies that made her a worldwide movie star.

The 50-year-old has voiced her concerns about her 1985 movie The Breakfast Club, in which she starred as a main character named Claire Standish, due to some scenes that have some sexual harassment in them. Ringwald first discovered this when it came to watching the movie with her now 10-year-old daughter. The mother of three came forward and voiced her concern saying, “At one point in the film, the bad-boy character, John Bender, ducks under the table where my character, Claire, is sitting, to hide from a teacher… While there, he takes the opportunity to peek under Claire’s skirt and, though the audience doesn’t see, it is implied that he touches her inappropriately.” Molly continued on saying, “What’s more, as I can see now, Bender sexually harasses Claire throughout the film. When he’s not sexualising her, he takes out his rage on her with vicious contempt, calling her ‘pathetic,’ mocking her as ‘Queenie.’ It’s rejection that inspires his vitriol.”

The film itself was directed by John Hughes, just like Pretty In Pink and The Breakfast Club in which she also starred. Molly ended her working relationship with Hughes after refusing to star in his 1987 movie Some Kind of Wonderful. Hughes wanted her to star as Amanda Jones, which was another main character, although the role went to Lea Thompson in the end.

Despite her concerns she is happy that she got to star in these movies as it was not all bad, and paid tribute to the movie writer who died in 2007. A few famous people have come forward after hearing about The Secret Life of the American Teenager actress’s opinions and have responded positively to her thoughts such as author Jenny Han, writer Mark Harris and Two and a Half Men actor Jon Cryer.

These concerns of Ringwald she ended up discussing in an essay she has written and has since been published all across the internet. As for her daughter, she mentioned how her daughter’s friends have all seen her star in it and that her daughter didn’t want to watch it infront of other people. What drove the movie star to write the essay was she believes her daughter may find the movie “troubling”.

As for her movie Sixteen Candles there is a scene where the most unpopular boy in school trades underwear to the most popular kid in school and gets to drive his unconscious and drunk girlfriend home. There is an implicit indication that he uses her for sex, as both the girl and him wake up the next day in a parking lot and a discussion forms that they did in fact have sex. Molly finishes writing about all this speaking out saying, “Whether that’s enough to make up for the impropriety of the films is hard to say.”

The actress has 3 children and has been married since 2007. She recently guest starred in the TV show Riverdale and has a few movies lined up for this year called Siberia, The Kissing Booth, and All These Small Moments. She is set to star as a main character for all of these films.

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