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Agony Aunt – February Edition (Part 2)2
By - Posted 8th February, 2016 at 4:30 pm


The final part of this months edition has finally been released! Click ‘Read More and Comment’ to see the last batch of questions/problems and Agony Aunts responses to them.

Remember, if you would like to be Agony Aunt in one of the upcoming months, click here to find out more! ALSO, you can now submit your problems for next months edition by clicking here!

Thanks again to Buttons for being this months Agony Aunt!

Dog Attacked My Electrician and Now I’m Pregnant

qtest2Dear Agony Aunt, My dog attacked the electrician when they came to my house and one thing lead to another and now I think I’m pregnant! What do I do? Please help!!!

atest1ok? take a pregnancy test first of all….. call the electrician company n talk to that guy. maybe u can make something work. are electricians rich? bc if they are u should have the baby n get his money. hope ur dog is ok.



Anxious Abroad

qtest2Okay so recently I had a chance to go abroad for a holiday but me being me did not take the chance because I am scared of being so far up and the chance something terrible could happen! I let my fears get the best of me and recently it has gotten the upper hand of me. I am writing to ask … Do you have any tips or advice of how to let my fear and anxiety not get the best of me? Thanks for reading and hopefully some advice.

atest1hmm…. the only thing i would suggest is to feel the anxiety and do it anyway? anxiety is a feeling (a strong one that can impact your daily life!) but you have to take chances, maybe baby steps, or you’ll always regret it. like someone on this forum once said “small risk – big reward” ~ there’s a small risk in everything that something will go wrong but there’s a higher chance of there being a reward for doing it! just remember that when you feel the fear again 🙂



Pregnancy Problems

qtest2oh dear buttons i have a problem. i’m pregnant and i don’t know who the father is!!!!! but i’m also a male, please help!

atest1maybe u were born a woman but uv always looked like a man so u have been brought up as one. ur not actually gay ur actually a str8 woman. congratulations on the baby and welcome to the fairer sex. find the richest man uv slept with and tell him it’s his x



University Anger 

qtest2Dear agony aunt, there is this girl I go to university with and she is really getting on my nerves. She messages me when I don’t attend lectures like ‘?!?!?! where are you’ and then weirdly tries to be my friend. I’m so not interested in her friendship. She also does this weird thing where she laughs at any little thing the lecturer does and that annoys me more than anything. but anyway. how do i let her know without directly letting her know that I don’t really want to bother with her that much and i don’t want to go places with her? I feel so mean saying no but it’s getting to the point where i just can’t take it anymore i’m too annoyed!!! thank u

atest1whats wrong with someone wanting to be ur friend? i think it’s nice she is worried about u not being in university! u would myb miss it if u lost all ya m8s.if her laugh annoys u that’s ur problem not hers tbh. annoying or not, she’s doing no harm, so i wouldn’t want to be mean to her (i mean, imagine being nice/friendly and getting it thrown back in your face, it would make u feel awful) but try to maintain your distance as much as possible. no replying to her or giving her false hope of a friendship. if she msgs u on fb, read em all but don’t reply, that would prob do the trick.


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    Absently commented on 8th February, 2016

    congratz on the pregnancy 🙂

    minion commented on 8th February, 2016

    This weeks actually made me laugh a little 🙂

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