All of my articles seem to be on the media, I really should do more on Habbo! However, this is important. Like, really important. To me anyway. Anyone who knows me well knows I’m a huge fan of real music that’s actually got the artist’s voice in it, not edited so you can’t even recognise them. But more specifically than that, I’m a huge fan of Amy Winehouse. I was essentially brought up on her, with my dad having all her music in the car. Yes, I’m also into Adele because she’s real and sings what she’s feeling. I mean, why is Drake singing about a controller or am I missing something? Anyway, here’s why you should be happy that Amy Winehouse’s music is up for a Grammy in 2017.
I don’t want to sound full of myself (well, maybe I do), but this is a big thing. Legends are still being commended for their music and that’s important because it shows they’re still relevant. Imagine (no pun intended) if The Beatles were nominated for a Grammy. They are musically genius and they changed the music industry. So did Amy, and this is precisely why it’s so important. The Grammys are recognising people who have gone and are still relevant and popular, and that’s inspiring a lot of fans.
This could hypothetically change the music industry again – reviving the music of someone long gone who impacted the world forever. Okay, so strictly speaking the Grammy is for the film about her, but her music is in the soundtrack so technically she’s still up for it. As the owner of an Amy Winehouse fanpage with a whopping 48 followers on Instagram, I witness the sheer amounts of people who are genuinely pleased. And it’s good to know that people are happy about this. Something good has happened in 2016, at least!