Yet another new line of furni and accompanying quest-rewarded currency has entered the hotel.
In previous months & years, Habbo have often tried to spice up life on the client. Commonly, these attempts have included a series of quests with little to no storyline that promise an alternative way to buy new furni that loses its value, forever lost into the clutches of the hotel.
The latest of these are Stars, once again earned from quests which involve scouring rooms for themed furni that relate to the broader topic of ‘In the Footsteps of the Ancients’. Each quest (and as of this evening, there are currently 13) offers 3 stars to be used for purchasing some of (again, of this evening, 3) the Egypt-style items. Of particular interest is the Quackatoa, the more expensive of the trio that awards its purchasers a shiny new map-related badge.
Older furni lines are being reintroduced, such as the Beach section. The all-encompassing ‘Desert‘ branch of the Shop provides access to both new and oldfurni, and we at Habbox expect that other old favourites will be returning soon. Some say, however, that previously valuable furni may now be over-consumed, and the prices will begin to plummet. Others feel that Habbo are showing themselves as uninventive and recycling exhausted ideas.
But what do you think? Are you excited to be spending a new, freely-obtainable currency which is filling in for the loss of Pixels? Or are you a bit less enthusiastic about the whole situation? Leave your thoughts below!
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