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Bailey’s Games Corner: November 2015 Edition!0
By - Posted 9th December, 2015 at 12:00 am Entertainment

It’s time to sum up two hot games in November’s edition of Bailey’s Games Corner. Here to give you all the latest on games released across all gaming platforms, along with my own personal views. We’ll be diving into Xbox One, PS4, PC, Nintendo and various other gaming industries to keep all you gaming fanatics in the loop for the months to come. Read on to get a closer look into this month’s edition of BGC where we take a deeper look into titles Star Wars: Battlefront and Call of Duty: Black Ops 3.

Star Wars: Battlefront offers both FPS and Star Wars fans an ultimate gaming experience. Everything is polished from top to bottom, from the graphics to the animations, from the gigantic AT-AT walkers all the way to the rebel snow-speeders. The game mode known as ‘Walker Assault’, which takes place on the frozen planet of Hoth is one of the most satisfying gaming experiences I’ve had in recent years. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not a Star Wars fanboy (no, really); but this game feels so good. There isn’t much more satisfying to watch than the rain of blaster fire, the constant space battle taking place above you, and the crunching sound of the AT-AT’s footprint sinking into the deep snow.

It’s not all good, though, as you might expect; many fans have expressed their distaste towards the lack of maps, the lack of customization and Boba Fett. That’s not a personal dig, by the way, Boba Fett is ridiculously overpowered in this game – whether that’s going to be fixed or not remains to be seen. EA have announced that they are willing to patch the game to fix various glitches and respond to the mass amount of player feedback over at the Star Wars: Battlefront forums.

Oh, there’s also every gamers worst nightmare. DLC. Yep, EA have announced that downloadable content is going to be a big one for this game, and it looks like their best content is being saved for just that. We’ve been given multiple sneak peeks at the DLC content of Battlefront, and frankly it looks a hell of a lot more interesting that the standard content the game offers.

So, is this edition of the long awaited Battlefront worth your £40? If you’re a die hard FPS fan, damn right. If you’re a die hard Star Wars fan, damn right… if you’re over-critical about gaming like me, probably not!


Call of Duty: Black Ops III (better known as Blops 3) is the newest installation of the ever (in)famous Call of Duty series. Developed by Treyarch and published by Activision, Black Ops III has been described as both the best and worst of the franchise. Some people say that this game has made up for everything that COD: AW wasn’t, and others say this game is incomplete and features absolutely no balancing whatsoever. Now, as an avid Call of Duty fan myself – I’d say this is one of the strongest titles I’ve ever played since Modern Warfare 2. They’ve gone and got rid of that awful exo-skeleton that allows you to literally fly across half the map (like really, stop trying to be Titanfall), and replaced it with a much smoother and sensible system which allows players to hover jump, run across walls and do other fancy (but not too fancy!) stuff.

The gameplay, graphics and audio is everything you can expect from the Call of Duty franchise. It’s nothing special, but don’t get me wrong, the next generation consoles obviously make this game look pretty damn good in comparison to what the Xbox 360 or Playstation 3 can present to you. DLC is running wild, as per usual, with far too many map packs for anyone to keep up with – and now, you can even buy special helmets, glow in the dark armour and various other wacky accessories for your very own customization soldier!

The RRP at GAME for Black Ops III is £47 for the standard edition, and let’s be honest, if you’re a fan of the franchise, you’ve probably already got this game and probably disagree with most of this review! Ah well, happy camping!


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