You now have back the possibility of having your own advertiser in your rooms!
How? It’s simple, just keep reading and you’ll find out.
This morning Sulake decided to bring back something that had been in the hotel (for a limited time) and used to let you know which other players had visited your room while you were away.
Casual Bots were uploaded on Habbo Hotel and they are now available in the Shop!
They cost 25 coins, all named Robbie, and everyone seems to want to know how long they last, unfortunately this is still a question with no answer.
As you can see in the images on this article, they can act like every other Hotel Bot, but you’re the one that controls them. This means that you’re the one to decide if they should walk, talk by setting up their speech yourself, dance, or simply wander around your room if you choose for them to relax, and you can even dress them as you like, including VIP clothes if you can wear them as well!
Lets find out what some of our members think about them:
runeaddict99: ”I bought one of these and I really like it!”
mdport.: ”Good to see them back!”
Red: ”I bought one. Nice update!”
Are they too expensive? Will get they annoying soon?
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