This cow had some fun running around in an Austrailian shopping centre. One little thing I forgot was that that cow has been offered a televison deal. I bet you’re saying what? Well, it’s true, Laura the cow has been offered a televison deal with Intersport. The animal must have had the best thought of causing chaos for food because her grazing fields were hit by a snow storm. The hungry wanderer had chewed up two sport bra’s and a T-shirt and has left a cow pat before guards could tie a dumbell to her with a skipping rope. I have never saw anything like this in the news before. Laura’s fame has helped the farmer with the money he spent.
“Laura had the right idea, for anyone preparing for winter intersport is the right place to be. We have all you’re winter needs, skis, helments, and warm winter clothing. Laura had the right idea” said intersport spokesman. Intersport spokesman Hans Siefert has signed Laura up for the upcoming promotion so be watching for it. Will Laura the cow make more TV deals?
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