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Department Spotlight – Habbox Help Desk!4
By - Posted 7th March, 2018 at 1:37 pm Habbox

Are you into helping out in the Habbo community? Habbox Help Desk is a perfect way to be helping people all around Habbo while being in a fansite! If you’re interested, hit that “read more” button now!

At Habbox, there’s a role for everyone! We’re a lovely, close community that’s always ready to welcome in new Habbos. We’re always looking for folk to join our fansite and you could be one of them! There are many departments that you can choose to go into such as HabboxLive (Radio), Events, Articles, and Help Desk. Of course, today we will be looking into the Help Desk department!

Department Spotlight Habbox Help Desk

The Help Desk Staff

The Help Desk Staff have the job of running the desk, helping Habbos out with any questions that may need answering. The Manager is Sloths aka Sophie and the Assistant Manager is Tupoxi aka Nikk. Their boss is the Assistant General Manager – Despect, who oversees the department.

There are many different types of staff within the department, and it’s a bit like a hierarchy:

  • Trialist Help Desk Staff – These are the staff put on trial to see how they do within the Help Desk.
  • Help Desk Staff – These are fully-fledged staff who have passed their trial. They get given rights in the HxHD room so that they can warn, then kick any misbehaving Habbos.
  • Senior Help Desk Staff – They do the same as regular Help Desk Staff except they get given extra to do! They have to do jobs such as making the weekly leaderboard, write their little comments in each report about the staff in their department and resolving any issues between workers within their department.
  • (Assistant) Help Desk Manager – The managers of the Help Desk department have to keep the Help Desk up and alive, keeping it running. They have to make reports each month, organise special events and hire people into their department. They too, have to work at the desk.

The Help Desk Staff are also sorted into three groups to make competition within the department higher!


As a member of staff in the Habbox Help Desk team, you have to hit a minimum for how many hours you spend working at the desk. In this department, you have to spend at least 3 hours behind the desk — you also have to be active behind it! To prove that you have been working behind the desk, you have to log your times at the help desk!


As you work in the Help Desk, you could get rewarded! Every week in the leaderboard, if you hit your minimum, you get a chance to win credits from a draw. The prize amount depends on the average of hours of everyone in total working behind the desk.

In the Help Desk Staff forum, you could also send in screenshots of what you’ve been doing, so you might get credits for that too! That includes simple things such as being seen helping behind the desk and participating in the HxHD Skype chat!


Of course, with minimums comes with warnings — if you don’t hit them! The first time you don’t hit your minimum, you will be given a reminder. You’ll basically get a PM in the forum saying you need to work harder and be behind the desk more! You won’t get a warning with a reminder.

If you don’t hit your minimum after the reminder, then you’ll be put on warnings! The warning system is a simple “three strikes and you’re out!” So do hit them minimums!

What do I need to be a member of the Help Desk Staff?

You will need a account and a HabboxForum account! You should also have a Skype account so that you can have better communication with the department, although it’s not compulsory to have Skype.

Saturday Night Quiz (SNQ)

SNQ is a weekly event hosted every Saturday evening, where one member of the Help Desk department gets to host a quiz. They can give out prizes such as credits and forum VIP. Each quiz consists of at least twenty questions.

Do you want to join this department? Then click here to get signed up!

Like! 4
    despect commented on 7th March, 2018

    Great job on the article! x

    Badr56 commented on 8th March, 2018

    I LOVE this Article Mad u always write so passionate 😀

    Lanyon commented on 8th March, 2018

    Nice 🙂

    madison0442 commented on 8th March, 2018

    Awwh thanks guys x

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