Transport yourself into the office of a Habbo developer. Sitting there, day after day, coming up with descriptions and mottos for endless new furni items… is it any surprise the odd pun makes its way in? Some of them have a great sense of humour though – as evident in these little references.
Monoliths are popular on Habbo – but did you know only one is called that? Most of them are spaceship doors – but the black one? “The Black Monolith”. It’s believed to be a reference to the film 2001: A Space Odyssey, where a black monolith appears quite a few times!
Into the modern age! A lot of old bugs and things have been patched (including amusing furni mottos like “Holy carp!” – yet the Reindeer Droppings still say “What a pile of crap”), meaning these fun little eggs are harder to come across. Recently though, when bagde cases were introduced, so was a new egg for us to find!
Sulake had a small joke at scripters’ expense – you could even say they trolled them! Some people would try and script *any* badge into an empty case, but as they tried to put one in, they got the one on the left!
To be honest, I think that is actually quite cute – and quite the collector’s item
There are too many in Habbo’s long history to mention in one article, so if you have any memories, share them with us on the forum or the comments below. Personally, I have to say my favourite hidden Habbo secret was always how to get into the tree in the Picnic Area or up to the hidden decks in the Theatredrome or Sun Terrace – shame they’ve all been redone and/or shut down now!
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