Another (late) football campaign is on the way!
Earlier today, codes were discovered focusing on a series of football related items which will arrive in Habbo shortly. It is suspected that they have been released in conjunctino with the UEFA Euro football competition which started a few weeks ago, around the time of the Great Mute – hence the suspicion that the campaign has been delayed. The main feature of the codes is the new achievements and badges which will be obtainable by a large majority of the community – especially those who own a football stadium! Here are the discovered achievements:
* badge_name_ACH_FootballGoalScored=Football Goal Scorer %roman%
* badge_name_fb_ACH_FootballGoalScoredInRoom=%realname% is a Football Goal Host %roman%
* badge_desc_fb_ACH_FootballGoalScoredInRoom=%realname% has had %limit% goals scored in their room.
* badge_desc_ACH_FootballGoalScored=For scoring %limit% goals
* badge_name_fb_ACH_FootballGoalScored=%realname% is a Goal Scorer %roman%!
* badge_desc_ACH_FootballGoalScoredInRoom=For having %limit% goals scored in your room
* badge_desc_fb_ACH_FootballGoalScored=%realname% has scored %limit% goals in Habbo!
* badge_name_ACH_FootballGoalScoredInRoom=Football Goal Host %roman%.
We’re not quite sure yet if there will be an extension to the current Football furniture range or if the achievements will be calculated via the pre-existing Football Nets and Counters. All we know is, that the “Games” category in Achievements is going to look even more crowded. Let’s not forget, there’s 4 different teams you will be able to join and support:
* badge_name_Football_ES=Go Spain!
* badge_name_Football_IT=Go Italy!
* badge_name_Football_DE=Go Germany!
* badge_name_Football_PT=Go Portugal!
Here are the various other codes relating to the modules which we will see on the hotel view and a badge which should be obtainable by all:
* landing.view.ach_football.bodytext=The game is on! How many goals can you score? It might even pay off to let your friends get one in…
* landing.view.ach_football.roombuttontext=Find A Game
* Team!
* landing.view.ach_football.caption=Goal Ahead!
* your Football Furni before it’s gone from the Shop, and get your favorite team’s badge!
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