After the recent removal of pixels from Habbo Hotel, people were left wondering how Habbos would now obtain effects which could previously be bought with pixels via the catologue. Some people thought pixels would be released back into the catologue (available for purchase using credits) and maybe this will happen, who knows?
But for now, you can obtain one effect each day simply by entering a room on the hotel!
If you enter the room titled Free Daily Effect, owned by Airblender, you will recieve a free effect!
You may be wondering if this is how Habbos will obtain effects from now on, but noone knows if it continue for a long time or if it’s just temporary until Sulake release new ways of obtaining effects. It is possible that this is the last chance to get effects, after which they will be removed forever.
The torch effect is also up for grabs today, and players can receive it by entering the Welcome Lounge.
Each Habbo can only recieve one effect per day so remember to return to Airblender’s room each day to recieve another effect!
Why do you think Habbo are giving away free effects? Do you think they will be released back into the catologue available to purchase with credits? Share your thoughts below!
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