After the latest maintenance break, Habbos were able to spot the new change, this came in the form of audio. We know that Habbo don’t concentrate that much on audio, but there are definitely rumours spreading around the hotel that Habbo are creating some form of noise emitting furni; most of the Habbox community describe this annoying, as they believe these noises are going to be pointless.
However, a visible change that can be seen in connection to this update can be found on your Habbo settings, under the Audio Settings there are now 3 bars that you can change. This consists the UI, Furni and Trax Settings. These 3 audio types can be edited individually so you can maintain your audio to the max. The main question that has been conjured by this update is simply… Why? The update could have been for current sound emitting furni, however maybe something new is going to take the hotel by storm?
What do you think? Will you be using the new audio settings? Tell us in the “Read More & Comment” section!
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