My sister the other day told me that she went to Xscape and went in the Game shop, she told me they now sold Habbo prepaid cards that you can purchase for £10. I thought this was rather odd and checked the credits page and there it was informing me that they were now available at Game.
In a way Habbo are now expanding their audience and reaching more gamers making them think ‘what game is that?’ and then they go and look, although I do not disagree with Habbo selling them in Game I think they should have started producing them for gaming shops rather than super markets and stationary shops. Anyhow, have you noticed these cards? I have yet to see them but I do remember every time I went in a Game shop I always looked to see if they had jumped on the bandwagon and began selling Habbo prepaid cards, they never did but never mind!
Have you bought one of these cards from WHSmith, Tesco or Game? Was it worth your money and did you put the credits to good use? I would love to know your views!
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