A new limited rare has been released, and this article shall delve more into it.
A new limited rare, the Habbo-lympix Cauldron has been released into the catalogue this evening in celebration of the current Habbo-lympix. It is in the catalogue for 75 credits, and there are 1000 of these available to buy in total. As can be seen on the right, this item is able to switch in colour between white and black, and resembles an H with the Olympic flame coming out of the top. The item has 4 states, two for each colour, with each having one state with the flame, and one state without. This would enable this item to be used to form a nice pattern, and is a very good idea over just the one colour. Finally, this rare takes up 2 spaces in a room.
Unlike some of the first limited rares, this has followed suit with some of the less popular ones, having only sold just under 150 at the time of writing this article. This may not bode very well for hope in investing in these as of yet, but if any competitions come out to build Olympic rooms, then it is highly likely that this may sell out quite quick and become an item well paid for in the period.
As of my personal verdict on the item, I feel that it is an ok design, however I would personally prefer it to be more in style with the Greek range, as I do not feel that the gold side of it works too well. A little bit of stylistic flair on the edges would really have a blazing effect on the design of this item in my opinion, but that is completely debatable.
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