If you haven’t already heard there is a big scandal going on over at the Habbo Hotel, and not just the English speaking hotel but all across the board. Some say a glitch, some a conspiracy to gain coins back, but let’s dig deep into what might actually be the case.
Would you believe a million dollar company who claimed a glitch caused a panic of emerald rings to be put into the Ducket section where you could purchase one for yourself? I have always been devil’s advocate and I always like to take everything as a conspiracy theory. What was happening over on the servers to allow for such a glitch to happen? Who was there in the office when it happened?Was no red flags caused in a fluctuation of emerald rings being sold? And why did they not stop it until after a bunch of Habbos bought them?
Habbo right now have sent out a massive tweet saying that they are working on fixing the problem, but there are those who have spiked into the negatives with their coins when originally they had a positive amounts.
Personally, I think they are penalizing people who have bought one just as harsh as those who cheated the system to the extent of making accounts to purchase them. Which I do not think it’s fair at all.
If you’d like to discuss the issue there is a thread posted already. Click here to direct yourself to the conversation on the forum!