[Habbox] I Choose You!
Room owner:
Room name:
[Habbox] Official Rooms Hallway
Click here to go to the room…
and click “read more” to see how to get the badges!
Enter the teleport.
Choose your starter pokémon! Say:
To choose which path you want to follow, then enter the teleport below their pokéball.
Head to the centred long grass in the room and choose the correct commands to continue the story.
> Fight > Bag > Pokemon > Run
Step One:
Make your way to the stone stairs (there are banzais hidden within the long grass).
Hop across the logs to cross the river to the jungle stairs.
Step Two:
Answer the telephrase questions on the mushroom stools, and once completed walk on the green tile.
On the floor above, avoid being hit by the spiders and snakes and then walk on the green tile.
Step Three:
Enter the teleport.
Step One:
Make your way to the water lilies, without stepping in the water.
Step Two:
Get to the bridge. Only walk when the tile is green.
Step Three:
Make your way to the ring plate. Only walk when the frog is facing away.
Step Four:
Enter the teleport.
Step One:
Wait for the gate to open.
Step Two:
Don’t get hit by the comets for 45 seconds. Once completed you will be sent to the teleport.
Step Three:
Enter the teleport.
Step One:
Only walk when the magic turnip is not visible.
Once you reach the end say, flight
Step Two:
Enter the teleport
Diglett Cave
Step Three:
Avoid the being hit by the digletts as you cross through.
Step Four:
Enter the teleport.
Pewter Pass
Step Five:
*CHOP* the tree so the old retired woodman can make you a pokéflute.
Step Six:
Enter the teleport.
Step Seven:
Enter the teleport
Explore this room for any hidden surprises
Step Eight:
Wait patiently in the queue.
Step Nine:
Use the arrow tiles to guide the bot to each tile and collect the pokéballs.
Once all three lights are green, walk on the ring plate.
You have 1 minute to complete this game.
Step Ten:
Enter the teleport.
Gym Battle: Part I
Step Eleven:
Make your way to the center black line, whilst avoiding the orange starfish to begin your battle.
Each following step has a 50/50 chance of winning and will play itself out.
Step Twelve:
Enter the teleport.
Gym Battle: Part II
Step Thirteen:
Flick the switch to begin the battle!
You will receive your badge after watching the fight unfold.
We hope you enjoyed this Habbox event!
…Watch this space during Easter!
*+*+*+*+ Lots of coins, competitions, and a variety of events coming to Habbox this Easter *+*+*+*+
Comment down below,
What’s your favourite pokémon?

I loved this event and all the rooms were super cute! Well done everyone 😀
Pikachu ofc
Gym battle seems to be broken 🙁