[Habbox] Tough Love ?
Begin your journey to find love by completing a series of challenges in this tough adventure.
Only the best couple can soar through part 2! There are two badges up for grabs.
Let us know what you think of the event in the comments below!
Room Owner:
Room Name:
[Habbox] Tough Love: HabbIsland
Click the elevator to begin!
Tough Love: HabbIsland Part I
(The Solo Challenges)
**If you are playing any of the challenges alone, you can race against the clock instead of an opponent.**
Flick the switch to begin the Solo Challenges
Enter the Pirate Teleport
Heart Racing
Step One:
Wait patiently in the queue.
[If the gate is closed but there is no game running, stand on the roller behind it and it will reopen.]
[To join the other queue, flick the switch.]
Step Two:
Floor Switch 1 (White): Rotates the heart.
Floor Switch 2 (Brown): Moves the heart up, left and right.
Using the switches, guide the heart along the path to the colour tiles at the end.
Make sure you flick the switches again whilst the heart is on the colour tiles to teleport.
[You have 50 seconds to complete this].
Step Three:
Enter the Beach Hut Teleport
Obstacle Course
Step One:
Wait patiently in the queue.
[If the gate is closed but there is no game running, stand on the roller behind it and it will reopen.]
[Flick the switch to join the other queue.]
Step Two:
Only walk on the roller and go into the gate.
Step Three:
Run through the stools, avoiding sitting on them.
[You can sit on the last stool for a little while, but don’t get too comfortable!]
Step Four:
Don’t collide with the crabs or you will be sent back. Flick the switch to rotate the gate.
Step Five:
Step on the brown stage before the time runs out, or before your opponent.
[You have 40 seconds to complete this.]
Step Six:
Enter the Hot Spring Teleport
Tiki Leir
Step One:
Wait patiently in the queue.
[If the gate is closed but there is no game running, stand on the roller behind it and it will reopen.]
[Flick the switch to join the other queue.]
Step Two:
When the gate opens, use ALL 5 Tiki Lei’s.
Step Three:
Enter the one-way gate before time runs out, and before your opponent
[You have 10 seconds to complete this.]
Step Four:
Use the Enchanted Teleport
Habbox Tough Love
Step One:
Enter the Pirate Teleport
Step Two:
Use the Habbo-lympix Torch to receive your badge!
**To continue onto Part II: Team Challenges enter the Pirate Teleport or head back to the main hub by clicking here
Tough Love: HabIsland Part II
(Team Challenges)
**You will need a partner to go any further!**
Step One:
Wear the badge from Part I.
Then step on the arrow tiles with your partner.
Step Two:
Wait to be teleported.
Step Three:
Enter the Pirate Teleports
Fire Run
Step One:
Wait patiently in the queue.
[If the gate is closed but there is no game running, stand on the roller behind it and it will reopen.]
Step Two:
Two people must be sat on the pods to start the game.
Step Three:
Run to the deck chairs to rotate the one-way gates.
Walking on the wall of flame will be triggered after a couple of seconds to block the path.
Step Four:
Both you and your partner must be sitting behind the one-way gates to complete this game.
[You have 15 seconds to complete this.]
Step Five:
Enter the Mall tele-doors.
Tile Assist
Step One:
Wait patiently in the queue.
[If the gate is closed but there is no game running, stand on the roller behind it and it will reopen.]
Step Two:
Two people must be sat on the pods to start the game.
Step Three:
Player One:
Make your way to the one-way gate, only step on the tiles when they are green.
Player Two:
Player two will assist player one, flick the switch to change the tiles from red to green.
[You have 1 minute to complete this.]
Step Four:
Enter the Habbo Falls Teleports
The Island of Tiles
Step One:
Wait patiently in the queue.
[If the gate is closed but there is no game running, stand on the roller behind it and it will reopen.]
Step Two:
Two people must be sat in the raft to start the game.
Step Three:
Remember the coloured pattern shown at the start of the game.
Avoid walking on the colour tiles as this will teleport you back to the stool and reset the tiles.
Both partners must match the colour tiles to the pattern.
Once all of the colour tiles have been matched you will be teleported.
[You have 30 seconds to complete this game.]
Step Four:
Enter the Enchanted Teleports.
Step One:
Enter the Pirate Teleports.
Step Two:
Use the Tiki Lei for your badge!
We hope you enjoyed this Habbox event!
*+*+ ? Leave a comment below about your experience. ? *+*+

Lots of cute rooms for this event!
All cute rooms and a cool badges
I haven’t got the time to do this, but yet again the rooms look professionally designed and the badges look very cute!!
holaaa como entro al hotel?