Dive into the colorful world of Habbox and enjoy an adventure surrounded by your favorite shades of red and blue.
Explore creatively designed rooms that capture the essence of these vibrant colors.
Room Owner: __tbl
Room Name: [Habbox] Official Rooms Hallway
Difficulty: Easy
Search __tbl or type in :roomid 78291407 to begin!
Official Rooms Hallway
Enter The Door Teleports.
Red & Blue
Walk on the Blue or Red Color Tile to begin.
Enter the teleport.
Blue – mystical
Find and click the correct furni to teleport.
The correct item changes periodically.
Enter the Portaloo.
Escape to the Blue Cave
Make your way to the DJ, walking only when the bots are dancing together, as pictured above.
Say “I need to be blue” whilst standing by the DJ.
Walk on the Bad Side Arch.
Enter the Portaloo.
Roller Blues
Complete the snake maze.
Enter the Portaloo.
Blue Apartment
Walk on the Hotel Staircase to begin.
Walk into the living room and stand on the Blue USVA Rug.
Find and click on the right furni to teleport.
The correct furni changes periodically.
Stand on the Classic BB tile floor.
Find and click on the right furni to teleport in each section.
The correct furni changes periodically.
Find and click on the right furni to teleport in each section.
The correct furni changes periodically.
Find and click on the right furni to teleport in each section.
The correct furni changes periodically.
Enter the Portaloo.
Blue Pond
Wait patiently in the queue.
Up to 2 people may play this game.
You have 1 min 45 secs to walk on 10 Blue Gumdrop Seats when they appear.
Enter the Portaloo.
Blue Crystal Lair
Wave whilst standing on the Galaxy Sea.
Walk on the Light Tiles only when the Big Trippy Duck is on, as pictured below.
Complete the snake maze.
Do not camp the Bad Side Floating Crystal.
Complete the snake maze.
Walk on the Will-O-Wisp Floor to tele.
Enter the Portaloo.
Mirror – Blue
Sit on the HC Chair to receive your first badge!
If you do not receive your badge, wave whilst sitting on the chair.
To return to the Hub and begin the red path, say “exit“.
Enter the Habbo X Teleporter.
bloody red
On each rock, say the correct furni to teleport.
1. Ravishing Red Lupine
2. Showbiz Floor Light
3. Savannah Patch
4. Pink Succulent Plant
5. Bohemian Forest Lamp
6. Red Apples
7. Exceptional Agrias Butterfly
8. Japanese Maple Bonsai
Enter The Outhouse.
Red Tires
Push the On Track Wheels onto the Red Color Tiles.
Stand on a tire and say “!Reset” if you need to reset.
Enter the Portaloo.
Red Run
Wait patiently in the queue.
Up to 6 people may play this game.
When the game begins, a random player or bot will receive the Small Wired Counter above their head.
If you have the counter, you have 10 secs to give it to another player or bot by standing next to them.
This continues until all players or bots have been eliminated.
Players win when the bots have been eliminated.
Bots win when the players have been eliminated.
Enter the Portaloo.
Mushroom House
Walk on the Bonnie Blonde Action Figure to catch her.
Enter the Portaloo.
Red Rafflesia
You have 2 minutes to walk around the room and find the 10 Hidden Rafflesia.
Enter the Portaloo.
Mirror – Red
Sit on the Chair to receive your badge.
If you do not receive your badge, wave whilst sitting on the chair.
To return to the Hub and begin the red path, say “exit“.
Enter the Habbo X Teleporter.
We hope you enjoyed this Habbox event!
*+*+ ? Leave a comment below about your experience. ? *+*+

Love the maze! Red was more challenging than blue for sure. Blue had more fun, quick mini games. Red did take me a little more time. Thanks for the maze, badge and guide. Love the rooms <3
This is a fab event, not JUST because I made a room this time but just in general it was a good mix of well built rooms and interesting games without being too hard!