January Safety Campaign Guide
Here is a guide on how to complete the most recent badge event!
Get your hands on this badge:
Step 1
Wait patiently in line…
Step 2
Once you are in the game area the bot will ask you a series of questions – flick the left switch marked by the T to answer “true” and the right switch marked by a F to answer “false”.
Questions may be asked more than one time! Here are the possible answers if you’re having trouble:
A strong password contains symbols, capitals, and numbers – True
A good password is 8 characters or longer – True
A password manager software can be used to store your password – True
You should change your password periodically – True
You can protect your Habbo acount with safety lock questions – True
You should not use the same email for Habbo and fansites – True
Adding a number at the end of a password makes it hard to crack – False
Credentials should never be reused. (Habbo, email, etc.) – True
Swear words make you password really strong – False
You should never tell anyone your password, not even friends – True
A good password is 7 characters or shorter. – False
You should consider safety lock questions as extra passwords – True
You should always set up 2-factor authentication on your email – True
You can share your password with your best friend – False
You should avoid adding Habbos to other chat programs – True
Passwords that contain dictionary words can be cracked easily – True
You should use the same email and password on all sites you use – False
Safety lock questions on Habbo are a waste of time – False
Never use your birthday, name or username in your password – True
Your email should be valid if you need to recover a password – True
You should never go to a link written on a gift from ”Habbo” – True
You should use the same password on Habbo as its fansites – False
Never use the same password for Habbo on its fansites – True
“Password123” is a good password – False
Step 3
Receive your badge! 😀