Hi, it’s me again! I know, I know you’ve all been so excited to see me here again! Don’t worry, just kidding! Well, let’s get started. Recently, I thought to myself, “does everyone know those cool chat command sorta things?” The answer to that is a fat no, that is why I’m writing this article now!
Some of you may know the cool chat codes, nevertheless here they are!
Non-HC codes
These are the codes we can all do!
Shouting: hold shift while pressing enter in a message.
Whisper: type :whisper <username> (Message) then press enter
Mute all the pets: :mutepets, for bots do :mutebots
Wave: type in o/ then press enter to wave
Sleep: Type in :idle and click enter, now you should be sleeping
Thumbs up: Type _b and click enter, thumbs up bud!
Signs: To hold up a number sign type :sign (0-10) to do a special sign type :sign (11-17)
Pick up all furni: If you own a room, you can quickly pick up everything by typing in :pickall (then obviously pressing enter)
Furni that isn’t your own: If you have rights in a group homeroom simply do :ejectall to boot it out
Sit down: Give your legs a rest and sit down with :sit, vice versa with :stand
HC Members Only
If you want to use these codes; buy HC quickly!
Blow a kiss: If there’s a special someone playing Habbo with you, send ’em a little kiss (:kiss)
Laugh: I love laughing, it’s so much fun! In Habbo, do it by typing in 😀
See who’s in room: Do :chooser to see which Habbos are in the same room as you, to see furni do :furni
Thanks for reading today’s article! I had fun writing it, hope you had fun reading.
thanks this was totes useful xD
There’s some you missed but this can be useful.
Thanks dude, I have been trying to find some more keyboard codes than the other guide has thanks for this new info.