At 12pm GMT (midday) on the 23rd November, Habbo announced their new fansites on Twitter and gave some fansites an early Christmas present! Read on to find out which 5 (previously 11) fansites are still official and remember to share your thoughts in the comments! Click the time-stamp on the Tweets to view them on Twitter.
1 – HabboQuests
FIRST UP as one of the five official .COM fansites IS: @HabboQuestsWeb!
— Habbo (@Habbo) December 23, 2016
2 – HFFM
Second up: @hffm is also retaining its official status!
— Habbo (@Habbo) December 23, 2016
3 – Habbox (yay!)
The third fansite we picked to be official is… @Habbox – congratulations! ??
— Habbo (@Habbo) December 23, 2016
4 – FlyHabbo
FOURTH UP! @FlyHabboNET will also be retaining its official status ?
— Habbo (@Habbo) December 23, 2016
5 – CreateHabbo
FINALLY: the 5th fansite to get official status IS… @CreateHabbo!
— Habbo (@Habbo) December 23, 2016
Habbo also gave special mentions to HabboTiles, Pukehupla and HabboBites – it was a tough call but congratulations to all fansites that made the list (including us)! You can view Habbo’s final list here. According to Habbo, applications are open twice yearly so more fansites may be added in 2017! Get your opinions heard in the comments!

Habbox is one of the longest running fansites, been with Habbo for over 10 years. If Habbox didn’t get official, I don’t even think owners knew what they were going to do. All staff are really to thank (active ones ahahah) as we wouldn’t remain official without them 🙂
I agree! Habbo would have faced a lot of backlash if they ditched their oldest (and best) fansite!