A little sneak peek at Habbo’s Easter celebration, Hotel view information and more!
We have the landing view campaign title:
Save the Easter pets!
Another headline:
Community Challenge
Information included:
Uh-oh! All of the Easter pets have turned into blocks of pixels! We need your help to correct this. Each time you play one of our Easter games, the Habbo Easter garden becomes slightly more eco-friendly. As a reward for this, the animals will return. The more animals are set free, the higher the meter goes. If the challenge is completed, everyone who has contributed will receive an extra badge!
A new meter will be included with this update for:
%totalAmount% pets saved
Badge title:
For saving the Easter pets in 2018
Who else cant wait for the new easter Furni / Campaign !?
information sourced from : https://puhekupla.com/en/news/4183
Awwh this sounds fun! 🙂
Nice first article sounds like a fun game