I have been hyped like a little child for the Tokyo furniture to be released, I am a big fan of the Japanese culture and media.
But does the furniture live up to my expectations? Is it worth a buy to get the new bundle? What does the Habbo public think of this new bundle?
I have been out in the field to get answer to these questions so put on your favorite anime soundtrack, get the sushi out and click read more.
Let us start with what you get with the bundle.
The bundle has some very interesting building displays – you get 5 cute toy shops that you can change from dolls and plushes to action heroes and gaming, you also get 4 shop displays of a convenience store that you can change into a flower shop, 6 spas that you can change into a restaurant and ELEVEN house pieces that you can change between 2 room styles. All of these can be lit up or have dimmed lighting for if the store is open or closed.
Beside that you get 2 billboards that you can switch between 2 displays, 2 different vending machines, 2 motorcycles that can change colour, and a bunch more good stuff. Cute unicorn man not included.
When I was at the room I was so lucky to find 2 nice ladies who wouldn’t mind sharing their opinion about the bundle.
Thank you for your input ladies, and I really agree! The furniture is very authentic and colourful which brings me to the conclusion – is this worth a buy for 199c?
I would say “yes”. For once this is not a reboot of old furniture like Habbo has done previously but instead all new furniture. My favourite furniture in the bundle has to be the different building displays because there is so much diversity and the 2 motorbikes because they look cool and you can sit 3 people on them.
Should I find something negative to say about the bundle then it would be that you only get 1 of 3 newly released arcade machines, and if you are planning to get the others you will need 18c and 20 diamonds each, a price I think is extremely ridiculous.
But yes if you have 199c buy the bundle and skip the 2 other arcade machines in my opinion.
What do you think of this bundle? Have you bought it? Are you planning on getting it?Leave us your comments down below!
One of the best bundles I’ve seen <3