Step into a world of endless festivities at the Habbox Day of Festivals, where a diverse array of celebrations awaits your exploration. From art and music to food and yoga, there’s something for everyone to indulge in and enjoy.
Room Owner: Ozad
Room Name: [Habbox] Official Rooms Hallway
Difficulty: Easy
Click the elevator to begin!
Or search for the Habbox Official Rooms Hallway to begin!
The Official Rooms Hallway!
Enter the Door Teleport to proceed to the next room!
Wait patiently in the queue and then step on the Lap Cat Luna.
Whilst sitting on the Runway Stool, click the left or right Mall Tele-Door.
The left Mall Tele-Door is Path 1.
The right Mall Tele-Door is Path 2.
This event may not be playable on the old Habbo app.
Path 1: Artist Festival
Make your way through the pods without stopping or walking on the Stone Jetty.
Walk through the pods again without stopping or walking on the Stone Jetty.
If you walk on the Stone Jetty, you will return to the start.
Enter the Runestone Teleport.
Spot the 10 Differences.
-Pink Primrose
-Strange Aura
-Pink Pet Basket
-Garden Leaves
-Heather Patch
-Wooden Garden Animals
-Second-hand Books
-Garden Flower Bed
-Hazardous Spillage
-Lush Bunny Nest
When all the color tiles are green, say “Done“.
Yoga Festival
Wait patiently in the queue.
Listen to and perform the actions the Yoga bot tells you.
If you do not perform the action, you will tele out.
Use the Forest Ring Teleport.
Veg Fest
Wait patiently in the queue.
Use the banzais to make your way to each color and item.
Use or single click each item to open the corresponding gate.
Run to the other side when all gates are open.
Flick the switch to start the tour.
Use the Hot Spring Teleport.
Food Festival
Cross the road whilst avoiding the moving cars.
Step on the halo tiles at each vendor and say, “got any tickets?“.
When you receive a heart, stand in front of the Bouncer and say, “have a little heart!“
Souvenir Shop
Wait patiently in the queue and stand on the Rattan Mat when it is your turn.
When you get teleported, you will receive your badge.
If you need to return to the Hub and complete the other Festival Path, use the Mall tele-door.
Path 2: Bulgravia in Bloom
Stand on the Color Tile to hear what the bot wants.
Find and flick one of the switches until you have what the bot wants.
Return to the bot and stand on the color tile to turn it green.
When all the tiles are green say, “done“.
Use the Forest Ring Teleport.
Boat Festival
Wait patiently in the queue.
Whilst in the kayak, click the arrow tiles to direct yourself to the islands.
Step on the Color Tiles to turn them green.
Step on the Spaceship Door when all the tiles are green.
Use the Forest Ring Teleport.
Medieval Festival
Make your way to the other side without falling off the Ghost Train Tracks.
Use the Evil Bunny Lairs on the track squares to pass.
Use the Runestone Teleport.
Habbox Music Fest
Make your way to the Hedge Gates only walking when the bots are dancing.
Use the Tent Teleport.
Souvenir Shop
Wait patiently in the queue and stand on the Rattan Mat when it is your turn.
When you get teleported, you will receive your badge.
If you need to return to the Hub and complete the other Festival Path, use the Mall tele-door.
We hope you enjoyed this event!
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