Habbo’s public rooms have always been famous for featuring hiding places and other secrets. Who remembers hanging in the sun terrace with their friends? What about the badges from the last batch of public rooms? Since the newest release of public rooms in summer 2015, the search has been on to uncover whatever they’re hiding.
Let’s start in the Welcome Lounge, an iconic room for Habbo Hotel.
This first one is pretty well known now, but it’s still funny. You can stand on the tables, which is perfect for those Habbos who love to party. Simply click on the table you want to stand on.
But, wait… what’s this? Is Frank hiding something?
Look closer! There’s an arrow behind the two squares where Frank stands. Only Habbo Club members are allowed behind the front desk, so this is special for Club members. When you step on the arrow, you will be teleported.
This room, titled Main Office, seems to be Frank’s office. From the games, magazines, shampoo bottles, and clothes, it seems to also be his home. (#buyfrankahouse2015) I hope Frank doesn’t mind me hanging out back here; it is pretty cozy!
Back out in the Welcome Lounge, there’s a not-so-secret hiding spot. Double click the door to teleport to the bathroom.
All of the stalls seem to be full and I really need to go… I guess I can use the out of order loo. What could happen?
I need to go watch a show while my pants dry. Oh, what’s this? I moved my mouse around the curtains behind the balcony until I found a doorway!
It’s cramped in here! This appears to be a throwback to Old Habbo, called “Old Treat.” See the ROOM-O-MATIC in the back? This brings back so many memories of putting on plays with my friends.
Maybe I should put on a play for old time’s sake! The stage-hands didn’t do a very good job of painting the stage; they missed a spot! I have to do everything myself…
It’s not a missed spot, it’s a green room! No, not a fancy animation green room, a literal green room. Step on the miscolored spot to get inside.
How about some coffee? While the barista’s not looking, let’s go check out the back room! Double click the door to teleport.
The Broom Closet seems to be a little bit more than just a broom closet. It actually looks like a nice place to hang out, if you ignore the girl using the toilet… she’s been in there a while. What do you think is wrong with her?
It’s time to get out of there! How about some games?
The Game Hub is littered with Easter eggs. See the Pac Man pellets? I wonder what they lead to.
Another Easter egg! The tubes all lead to other tubes, like in Mario.
Keep walking around to see if you can get to them all. They seem to randomly teleport, so there’s no way to know for sure where you’ll end up!
I don’t know about you, but all of that exploring has worn me out. Maybe user official_rooms won’t mind me dropping by their house.
This was discovered when Midas’s golden gnomes were placed in the public rooms this month, since they told us the rooms’ owner. Upon searching the username in the navigator, we come across this room. It can be argued that it’s not a public room since it’s not linked to the others, but since it’s owned by official_rooms it technically is an official room.
Are you going to be hanging out in these rooms? Which one is your favorite? Tell me in a comment!