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By - Posted 8th February, 2016 at 11:11 pm Habbo


As you’re probably aware, earlier today, Habbo made some changes to its trading system. If you don’t know, stop reading this article and click here. All caught up? Great! Let’s go…


riphabbo3riphabbo4Sulake seemed to bundle two updates together. Bulk adding to trade has been asked for for YEARS and they would be rolling in compliments if that’s all they released today. I’m really happy with that. But the problem is the second update! All currency furniture now gets automatically transferred to your purse now, instead of you being able to keep the furni items. Which right away wipes out pretty much all idea of the collectible ‘seasonal currency’ – unless you’re buying from the Marketplace then it’ll be converted to coins and you’ll have to re-purchase it.


Repurchasing coins/currency is all fine and dandy but since Habbo introduced the ‘tax’ on credits (paying 1c per 10 credits/gold bar/sack), it means that thousands of credits every year are going to be taken out of circulation. I understand from a business perspective that they want to encourage more people to physically buy credits, but are there really enough credits on the hotel that enough people will miss the odd one when they exchange?




I can’t help but feel like what they’re doing is alienating all new users really, who will be so happy to save up their credits to find that they have to spend half of what they’ve just earned to get a coin to trade for a piece of furni. Now I don’t pretend to know the intricacies of the trading world, but from what I gather this is really, really, really, really going to affect them. I suppose it’s like my new user example on a massive scale – if you’re buying a Pink Dragon (350gbs), you’ll be paying an EXTRA 7gb just to get those coins from the marketplace. I can’t help but think Habbo are trying to force everyone to use the Marketplace – which takes coins from your purse. Not the end of the world… just frustrating.



RIP Habbo? Well, I highly doubt it, but it is extremely annoying and feels like a kick in the teeth to those of us who do buy and exchange a huge amount of credits each year. We do have to understand that they are a business and need to make profits but they’re already introducing adverts and I personally feel they could do more with Builder’s Club and bundles before taking this much of a drastic step and alienating players old and new.

Habbo aren’t going to back down – as has been confirmed by staff member Macklebee (who is unjustly subject to the majority of abuse on Twitter, he’s just a staff member for a huge company, the fact he’s defending the decision at all shows a huge amount of strength and dedication in my books). If it was my decision, I’d reduce – not remove as Habbo wouldn’t want to – the credit tax to give a bit of a saving grace to people like me who exchange hundreds and hundreds of credits each year.

Let me know your opinion of what they should do and see more reactions by clicking below!




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    minion commented on 9th February, 2016

    I personally completely agree with everything said in the article.. Find it unfair :/

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