If you’re a Habbo you’ll likely have credits, either by buying or by earning. But there’s one question that we should all really think about — what are credits? Want to read about my theory on what they really are? Click that “read more” button!
So there are actually not one, but two ways of looking at credits. There’s the game’s way of making you see it, then there’s my way of seeing it. You never really think about it while playing it, but when you give it some thought, it really does get you thinking. Let’s start by looking into what the game’s intentions are.
What do Habbo want you to see Credits as?
Habbo want us to see credits as a way of buying furni and clothing. It’s a way to buy the special membership to Habbo Club. They want us to be happy making an empire of credits and being able to call ourselves “rich” on Habbo. We get so tempted to buy credits, and then they give us them when we buy them. Then we have to admit that we have wasted our real money on this game at least once. They are virtual currency, but in the game world they are actually something significant.
Is that the way you currently see credits? That’s the way I used to see them. Then there was one day when I realised that they are not all that we think they are…
Be prepared to be mind-blown, and feel free to grab a glass of water and some snacks, because you might be shook after reading this!
My way of seeing Credits
Okay, okay, let’s hold up a second! What are “credits”? What are they really? Are they really that significant? I mean, sure, you can get some mint stuff on Habbo, but you can get better stuff in real life. You know why? Because “credits” are just numbers on the screen. The number goes up when you buy or earn them, then goes down when you “spend” them. They’re basically numbers going undercover. You could spend £100 on 1000c yet you could get much more in real life. You could get music, clothes, jewellery, collectors items and what not? So why waste your money on something that won’t last long at all?
Now what do you think? Do you agree on what I’m saying?
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