Explore spooky myths with Habbox this Habboween.
Room Owner: __tbl
Room Name: [Habbox] Official Rooms Hallway
Difficulty: Easy
Click the elevator to begin!
Or search for the Habbox Official Rooms Hallway to begin!
The Official Rooms Hallway!
Enter the Door Teleport to proceed to the next room!
Dracula’s Castle
Walk only on the color tiles when they are green.
Avoid colliding with the moving skulls.
Make your way to the green color tiles by using the correct path.
Use the Forest Ring Teleport.
The Archangel’s Call
Walk towards the Fallen Archangel.
Enter the Forest Ring Teleport.
kawa wappa
Find the correct switch to teleport.
The correct switch changes every 10 seconds.
Use the Forest Ring Teleport.
Pumpkin Patch
Make your way through the pumpkin patch using the safe spots (in green) and avoiding the moving pumpkins.
Mystery Solver: Alien Owned Ruin
Whilst holding an oil lamp, stand next to each This is Evidence and click to collect.
When all clues have been collected, say done.
Flick the switch to receive your first badge.
Stand next to each Deathly Mummy Jar and click or say “.” to collect.
Receive your first badge!
Banish the mummy by walking close and clicking or type “.“.
Use the Forest Ring Teleport.
Complete the roller maze.
Avoid colliding with the Wolves.
Make your way to the Cabin Stone and Wood Tiles whilst avoiding the moving Wolves.
Use the Forest Ring Teleport.
Stand next to the Toolbox and click to receive a hammer.
When a Dormant Zombie appears (as above), stand next to it and click or type “.“.
You have 10 seconds to kill the zombie.
If you miss a zombie, you lose a point.
When you kill 15 zombies, everyone in game will teleport.
Use the Forest Ring Teleport.
Habboween – Headless Horseman
Walk on the Guillotine to receive your final badge!
We hope you enjoyed this Habbox event!
*+*+ ? Leave a comment below about your experience. ? *+*+

Amazing Event <3
Thank-you for the guide <3
I disconnected in the Werewolves room but Ill try again tomorrow as Its a fun event 🙂
Such a ammazing team/event! Rooms’re soo ammazing badges too 🙂 i enjoyed in this month cause i love halloween themes ☠💞
Thanks a llt for the guide <3