Here’s a quick summary of what was discussed in tonight’s General Management Takeover for all of those people who couldn’t attend, or those who did but need a reminder of what was discussed.

There was a fantastic turnout of around twenty people questioning the General Management team!
Although I’m sure there were more than nine questions asked altogether, I’ve compiled a list of the ones that discussed the most serious issues and were answered in the most depth.
Also, remember that there will be more General Management Takeovers in the future, and it’s never too early to start getting your questions together. If you missed this one, keep your eyes peeled on the main site ( and on HabboxForum’s Community Notice Board for the next one.
The community raised the issue of advertising for bigger events such as Habbox and the Chocolate Factory or the Nelson Mandela Day event with HabboShire. Although Habbox & the Chocolate Factory was advertised in this month’s edition of The Box and has been mentioned around the forum, community members agreed that official events should be officially advertised (on and as an announcement on, for example) at least a few days before the event starts. No absolute conclusions were reached about advertising for the future.
What’s happening with forum skins? Wispur confirmed that two new non-Habbo skins are currently being worked on, one light and one dark.
Davemateee also asked whether we can have previews for forum skins, however, Wispur stated that “there are no previews yet.” – Perhaps something to look forward to in the future?
This is a quick point brought up about why each article consist of fewer than 1,000 words. This isn’t an absolute rule as large articles (such as big interviews or weekly articles) are allowed, but generally normal articles that are over 1,000 words tend to drag on; not to mention the fact that most users will lose attention if the article drags on for too long!
What’s happening with the Saturday Night Quiz? Kelly and Chris said that they are currently working on numerous ideas that can be introduced to go alongside SNQ. Well actually, Chris said they must have three or four ideas and Kelly reprimanded him, saying they have at least six! So watch this space, I suppose! UPDATE: this was posted in the Design HxHD thread!

The Takeover was hosted in Plebings’ LGBT room which you can check out by clicking here.
What are the three GMs doing to increase the number of new members joining and staying? I asked this one myself and received quite a few different answers from the team. Chris mentioned HxSS (Habbox’s Summer Specatular) which is a given for increasing member activity and raising awareness for Habbox on the client, Laura stated that she was working on making the forum a more enjoyable place to make users more likely to want to stay, and Kelly said she had lots of big events planned to keep reeling in the members. Discuss below whether you agree with these or whether you think anything else could be done!
Have any changes been made to the forum rules after that thread made in Habbox Feedback? Short answer which I’m sure all of you are going to hate; plans are being discussed behind the scenes right now! *CROWD BOOS*
What’s happening with the Rare Values department? Laura says she and Lauren are currently working to have it up and running again as soon as possible!
I also mentioned an idea I brought up a while ago about opening a Habbox multi-owner coin shop for managers to use. Some members in the room were keen for this idea whilst others were firmly against. Nonetheless, it looks like we won’t be seeing this idea implemented, as Laura said someone (who she wouldn’t name – exciting!) had told her why this shouldn’t happen, though she can’t remember what those reasons are now.
What’s happening with HxSS to make it as good as possible? The general answer to this was big events. We’ll possibly have a large room involving all departments that is currently being set up by Lewis (Mk,) and Absently. Basically the same as every year from what I could tell!
And, of course, when’s the new HxHD layout coming out? Absently answered this by saying that no time has been agreed on and that it’s the Help Desk Manager’s decision to look for a new one.
The question of why there had been no layout for the Chocolate Factory event currently running (click here to find out more about that) was also brought up, but Kelly claimed that a certain user who “wears brown” had said no.
What do you think of the things discussed this evening? Comment below with your thoughts!

I am looking forward to the SNQ changes 🙂
Unfortunately, I will never be able to attend the SNQ due to work hours but this should help the department & community in good ways in the near future.
Now for the feedback situation, people want feedback but yet they can’t seem to take criticism specially if it is a bit on the negative side, negative can always turn into a positive you know. Also do expect negativity towards users as everyone is free to each of their own opinions ;).
Other than that, great interview =)