Get cozy with Habbox! Grab some hot cocoa and settle in to enjoy a few of our favorite Christmas movies together.
♥♥♥ Please also check out our extra Habboxmas activities by clicking here – we’ve got HUNDREDS of shiny credits to be won through some super simple festive tasks! ♥♥♥
Room Owner: __tbl
Room Name: [Habbox] Official Rooms Hallway
Difficulty: Easy
Search __tbl or type in :roomid 78291407 to begin!
Official Rooms Hallway
Enter The Door Teleports.
Cozy Times
Click the Doughnut Plate or Fondue Spread.
Sit on a Cloud Rug.
If you didn’t receive a badge, sit on a Cloud Rug again.
Enter the Attic Door Teleport.
Wait patiently in the queue.
You have 45 seconds for this game.
Use the Arrow Plates to guide Buddy, the bot, to the Red Color Tiles.
Enter the Long-lost Teleport.
The Santa Clause
Complete the telephrase:
1. Who plays Santa in the movie The Santa Clause?
Tim Allen
2. Starring Tim Allen, how many “The Santa Clause” movies are there?
3. What year was The Santa Clause film released in the UK?
4. What drink is commonly left out for Santa to drink on Christmas Eve?
5. Typically, what traditional ornament is placed on the top of a Christmas tree?
6.What date is Christmas Day?
25th December
7. For it to be a white Christmas, what must the weather be doing?
8. What chocolate calendar is used to countdown the days until Christmas?
9. Where does Santa live?
The North Pole
10. How many reindeer does Santa have?
Name Santa’s reindeer in alphabetical order, one name on each tile:
1. Blitzen
2. Comet
3. Cupid
4. Dancer
5. Dasher
6. Donner
7. Prancer
8. Rudolph
9. Vixen
Find and click the correct furni to teleport.
The correct furni changes periodically.
Enter the Long-lost Teleport.
A Boy Called Christmas
Stand on the black tile and say, “*create a snowman*“.
Stand on the black tile and say, “*create a snowman*“.
Stand on the black tile and say, “*create a snowman*“.
Stand in front of the Carol Singing Woman.
Stand on the black circle and then walk onto the Ice Patch.
Stand still until you reach the red tile. Wait until it turns green to walk off.
Stand in front of the Carol Singing Man.
Enter the Snowball Pit and dance.
If you dance before entering the Snowball Pit, you will need to stop and restart the dance.
Enter the Long-lost Teleport.
Cozy Times
Sit on a Cloud Rug to receive your final badge.
We hope you enjoyed this Habbox event!
*+*+ ? Leave a comment below about your experience. ? *+*+

The rooms and badges make me smile make me very happy 😀 THANK YOU everyone involved and MERRY CHRISTMAS everyone !!!!!!!