Hello everyone! Welcome back to another edition of Habbox Staff Interviews.
If this is your first staff interview that you are reading, every so often I will be posting a new interview of one of the members of Habbox staff.
This week’s article is highlighting the lovely……
Click read more to find out!
It’s HaleKane!
Here is what HaleKane had to say when we had our interview.
First off, thank you Jamie for doing this! It sounds fun and I’m glad to be a part of this! 🙂 Hopefully you don’t ask too many “serious” questions! 😛
What made you decide to join Habbox?
I originally came back to the game due to current real life COVID issues. Originally, I was excited to join the Rare Values Department, however I opted out to join the Help Desk department first to get a feel of Habbox. I have always been around the community helping people, and thought I might as well broaden my friends group! 🙂
What are your current role(s) at Habbox, and what is one of your memorable moments from working in one of those roles (or previous roles)?
I am currently Rare Values Staff, previously a DJ and Senior Help Desk staff. Honestly, my most memorable moment was when I was originally recognized by the group as being “cool” during my first month as a Help Desk Staff. Definitely opened some doors to join other departments! 🙂
What do you enjoy doing in your free time?
During my free time, it really depends if you are referring to real life or here in game. For real life, a lot of members of Habbox will tell you it’s golf! 😛 As for in-game, I enjoy trading and working on tracking LTD #s for our wiki page!
How do you handle criticism?
Depends what criticism it is… If it is helpful, I take it as a stepping stone through my career. If someone is just trying to shame me on purpose, I tend to shrug it off. I’m not a fan of bullying, nor should it be tolerated here or in real life.
What movie can you watch over and over again?
Too bad you didn’t say “tv show”, I would have easily been able to answer that! I would have to say the Harry Potter movies! All of them! I’m not able to pick a specific one! 😛
If you had one day left to live on the Earth, what would you do?
“One day left to live”, I really hope it does not come down to that. Honestly, I would try and enjoy it with friends and people I really care about. Hopefully that time does not come anytime soon, because I’m still young.
What’s your current favorite song and why?
Tal Bachman – She’s So High. I grew up in the 90s and 2000s. No idea why, but when I have that song turned on, it makes time slow down while you scream the lyrics! xD
Where do you see yourself in the next five years?
“Next 5 Years”… this is starting to sound more like a “job interview” 😛 I try not to look that far ahead, but hopefully conferrable and in a great economic stance. In real life and maybe in this game as well! 😛
What motivates you to work hard?
What really tends to motivate me is seeing others enjoying the same work I do. Have to admit to others… fun workplace = best job ever. 10% of people in real life or less enjoy their jobs, I plan to be one of them! 🙂
What is your proudest accomplishment?
Proudest accomplishment for Habbox has to be when I took the award for most hours during my first month as a Help Desk Staff: doing over 100 hours! 🙂
Thank you for reading! Who will be next…
I will always remember how impressed I was with your hour count that month Kane! – Good article Jamie 🙂
“This is starting to sound like a job interview” … maybe it was 😉
RV is da bomb ? —— nice knowing a li’l’ better about our former hxss cowboyo
PLOT TWIST this actually WAS a job interview and, back to present, HaleKane happily serves the Habbox Skyscraper’s vault as a dragon polisher