A number of management changes have occurred at Habbox recently. The role of Forum Manager has now been filled by Chris, a very familiar face to many, whilst taking over features is Samanfa. The role of Competitions Manager has been filled by Catchy.
I decided to interview him so you can get to know him a little bit better! If you want to find out some interesting facts about our new manager, then here’s your chance! In this interview he shares some of his plans for the department, what he gets up to in his space time, and even his favourite sandwich filling! Click ‘Read more and Comment’ to read the full interview, and leave any questions you may have!
Hey Catchy! Firstly, well done on getting the role of ‘Competitions Manager’ here at Habbox! Having been competitions management myself in the past, I have a feeling you’re going to absolutely love it! How do you feel about getting the role?
I’m excited to be back at Habbox after such a long time. I’m optimistic about the future for Habbox and hope we can all work together to try and get Habbox back on the map so to speak…
Obviously you’re coming in to a department which is, let’s be honest, in need of a bit of a shake up right now. Do you feel confident you can turn things around? If so what kinds of things do you intend on doing?
I’d like to think I can turn things around, I’m going to try at least. I’d like to change how comps are run, offer better prizes and work closely with the other departments to try and integrate all departments a bit better. I’m also on the hunt for new staff members so if anyone is interested please send me a PM.
Tell me a bit about your Habbox history! Have you had any previous staff positions before? How long have you been part of our community?
I have been at Habbox on and off for about 11 years now. My most active period was probably around 2009 to 2012 throughout this time I had many different positions. Graphics, articles, the help desk and events (I think). I then took time away from 2012 until a few months ago.
What’s your favourite thing about Habbox?
My favourite thing about Habbox is being able to keep in touch with friends who I’ve known for years.
If you could choose to manage any department at Habbox, what would it be and why?
I’d probably create a completely different department just out of curiosity.
When you’re not busy being competitions manager, what do you do in the real world?
I’ve recently finished university, my degree was in midwifery. I now work as a midwife in the NHS. I provide care to women throughout pregnancy, during labour and after they’ve had their babies.
What’s your favourite colour, music artist and sandwich filling?
My favourite colour is blue, I’m not sure about music artist as I have too many favourites. Sandwich filling would have to be cheese.
Where would be your ideal holiday destination?
Barbados I think, I’d like to visit in a few years.
What is your favourite item of furni on Habbo?
My favourite furni has always been the purple dino egg and the throne.
Finally, I know it’s very early on and you’re still settling in, but what are your initial hopes and goals for the competitions department?
I hope to recruit some more staff initially and focus on getting some really good quality competitions out there.