Ever fancied hosting events on Habbo for an official fansite? Now is a better time than any, as we have a revamped rewards system in place! Our Events Department regularly hosts events on Habbo in order to promote Habbox, provide some fun for the community, and gives everyone a chance to win some prizes. You can find out more information about our Events Department by clicking here.
Events Management have recently come up with a revamped rewards system, which will allow you to earn Habbo credits, raffle tickets, tokens or VIP in exchange for your work within the department, making hosting events much more affordable. You can earn these rewards in a number of ways, simply by hosting events, or completing a number of challenges available within the department. Continue reading to take a peek at all of the ways you can earn through events, and what you could be getting!
What are the ways I can earn points once I’m in the Events Department?
….Habbo Tasks…. | ….Points…. |
Game On! Your basic points base, 1 point per event!
1 point |
Double Trouble Doing a double shift (of two different games) will give you this cheeky bonus on top of your hosting points.
2 points |
I Am The One And Only If no-one else is around for the day we’ll show our extra appreciation for your presence!
2 points |
Fire Streak For being a part of a 3-or-more hour block of events. Each host involved gets these points!
3 points |
No Dupes Host 3 or more times in the week without repeating the games to get this bonus.
2 points |
Innovative Hosting Host something so new that we have to add it to the panel for you! Variations of existing games do not count.
5 points |
Top Dawg If you’ve hosted more than anyone else during the week you get these nifty 5 extra points.
5 points |
Crowded House If your room reaches 30 guests, take a printscreen showing your room name and the user count and post it here.*
5 points |
Packed Party If your room reaches 40 guests, take a printscreen showing your room name and the user count and post it here.*
10 points |
Let Me In! If your room reaches 50 guests, take a printscreen showing your room name and the user count and post it here.*
15 points |
Check My Reference You can earn these points by encouraging another user to join the Events team. They MUST state in their application that you have made them apply – Habbo or Habbox name accepted. |
10 points |
….Forum Tasks…. | ….Points…. |
Friendly Face Make 10 posts outside of the staff/support forums!*
2 points |
Community Chatterbox Make 25 posts outside of the staff/support forums!*
5 points |
Talking The Hind Legs Off A Donkey Make 50 posts outside of the staff/support forums!*
10 points |
Trendsetter Start some discourse by making 5 threads outside of the staff/support forums!*
4 points |
Life Of The Party Show us what you have going on in your brain with 10 threads outside of staff/support forums!*
9 points |
DON’T STOP ME NOWWWW Get the discussions flowing by making 25 threads outside of the staff/support forums!*
20 points |
Pied Piper Of Habbox Refer a newbie to HabboxForum.com! Post their forum name here, and obv your name should show on their profile as the referrer. They must be registered that week and make 5+ posts. |
12 points |
*The highest of these will count towards your score for the week, eg: making 25 posts will supplant the 10 post reward, making 10 threads overrides the 5 thread achievement, and so on.
What can my points be exchanged for?
Once you’ve accumulated enough points, you’re allowed to select one of the rewards from whichever tier you have managed to get to!
Reward Tier | Points Required | Rewards Available |
Tier 1 | 2 Points | 1 raffle ticket 50 tokens |
Tier 2 | 7 Points | 3 credits 2 raffle tickets 125 tokens 2 days forum VIP |
Tier 3 | 12 Points | 5 credits 4 raffle tickets 200 tokens 3 days forum VIP |
Tier 4 | 17 Points | 7 credits 6 raffle tickets 275 tokens 5 days forum VIP |
Tier 5 | 22 Points | 10 credits 8 raffle tickets 350 tokens 7 days forum VIP |
Tier 6 | 27 Points | 13 credits 11 raffle tickets 450 tokens 10 days forum VIP |
Tier 7 | 32 Points | 17 credits 14 raffle tickets 550 tokens 14 days forum VIP |
Tier 8 | 38 Points | 20 credits 17 raffle tickets 650 tokens 21 days forum VIP |
Tier 9 | 44 Points | 25 credits 20 raffle tickets 800 tokens 30 days forum VIP |
Tier 10 | 50 Points | 30 credits 25 raffle tickets 1,000 tokens 40 days forum VIP |
Sounds great! How do I join?
Sounds exciting right? If you are up for a challenge and would love the opportunity to work for Habbox Events, simply get in contact with FlyingJesus. He’ll be happy to answer any questions you may have about joining too! Alternatively you can apply at www.habbox.com/jobs.

here for gina the dj
Commenting for Gina~