Never give out the following:
- Your full name.
- Your parents full names.
- Your home address.
- The addresses of your friends or family.
- Your phone number.
- Your friends or family’s phone numbers.
- Your personal email.
- Anyone elses email addresses.
- Name of your city or town.
- Your school.
- The names of any teams or clubs you belong to.
- Any passwords you have or know!
- NEVER, ever put your picture on the internet OR let somebody else put it on the internet unless your parents say it is all right. Don’t download any files on to the family computer without your parents help or permission
- NEVER, never ever agree to meet an online “friend” somewhere in the real world. Let your parents know if you want to meet someone and let them decide if it is safe and reasonable… then take them with you. This is THE ONLY safe way to do this!
.. and the ‘Can Do’s’ of the Internet;
- Your first name or a nickname that does not give away your last name.
- The country you live in, or (at the most), the region in the country (like your home state or province).
- An email address your parents have screened for public use.
- Anything that does not divulge your offline identity and how to find you.
- Never put your picture on the internet OR let somebody else put them on without your permission.
- NEVER EVER TO AGREE TO MEET AN ONLINE “FRIEND” SOMEWHERE IN THE REAL WORLD. Let your parents know if you want to meet someone and let them decide if it is safe and resonable… Then take them with you. This is the only safe way to do this!
With the help in this article, you can always be safe!
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