KickWars has always been a popular game in Habbo – however with the recent addition of ‘official game’ status, the game is more popular than ever. The aim of the game, as it suggested by its name, is to kick as many people as you can without being kicked yourself.
Ever since its release, participation in KickWars has been rewarded. The reward is usually issued when you reach the ‘prize’ room and normally consists of a badge meaning that many new badges have been released for this purpose, designed by players from around the Hotel.
The newest of these is the badge that can be seen on the right hand side of this article. This was added last Friday, similarly to the previous badges, insinuating that it will be implemented as a reward for competing in KickWars and finding the Prize Room. Judging by the badge design, I also think it is reasonable to assume it will be awarded for a outstanding achievement in Kick Wars.
I think that the badge is quite nicely designed, and it is nice that Habbo are taking such an interest in keeping their games up to date for users. I do think, however, that it may be nice to work on newer things and offer better rewards than a badge. Badges seem to be getting less popular as a reward for Habbos recently, and this is mainly because of the increase in the amount that are being given out. Badges used to be something to proudly wear, and now people rarely feel this way about badges. If badges were given out less, it would probably make them more popular.
You have heard what I have to say about this, but what do you think?
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Clue 3: For what game/series of rooms has the new badge been made for? (4, 4) (_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ )
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