Netflix always do it: they make a great show that gets popular and then even though it was never needed… a 2nd season pops up. I will talk about a few shows where the 2nd season actually added to the story, and a bunch where it just crashed it! Click read more to see what’s hot and what’s not.
[please note that the opinions stated in this article are the personal views of the author and should not influence your viewing intentions]
13 Reasons Why.
I will start with the most recent show I watched, 13 Reasons Why. I absolutely loved season 1, when it came out I binge-watched it in 2 days then re-watched it right after! The story is about Hannah Baker, who as the story starts has committed suicide and left people with a box of cassette tapes with 13 reasons for her suicide.
If you have not seen season 1 I highly recommend it, the story gets better and better as the season goes on and has a great finale… but when a story has a great finale you leave it alone! However that was not the idea of Brian Yorkey, he decided to go beyond the novel that season 1 was based on and just make a 2nd season that is completely pointless in my opinion and feels like filler. Every episode starts off with a warning about the content and a link to their anti-bullying site which is the only thing I like about season 2, but the show itself is really meh compared to the first season.
A Series of Unfortunate Events.
A Series of Unfortunate Events is a show based on the books of the same name by Lemony Snicket about 3 orphans by the name of Violet, Klaus, and (the best character in the show) Sunny Baudelaire. The 3 children go from guardian to guardian trying to escape the evil Count Olaf who is after them to get his hands in the Baudelaire fortune.
With each episode the children get into more and more trouble with 2 episodes representing 1 saga or book. I cannot praise this show enough, it goes in much more detail than the movie with less filler than the novel – but there was one thing that kind of worried me when the trailer from season 2 came out.
They were going away from the novel to input some original twist to the story, however this was no problem as season 2 is amazing! You see so much development in the evil Count Olaf character that you wont be able to leave the screen before the last episode. Watch this show if you have not already and if you have watch it again it is so damn good.
Dear White People.
Dear White People is about Samantha White who is a mixed race high-school student that runs a radio show on the campus where she talks about racism and white privilege. This was a good plot for the 1½ hour long 2014 movie. You get into the struggle, you see how she copes with her own white background and white boyfriend and you get the idea that there is racism out there.
When they make it into a series of 10 episodes which are 30 min each without adding to the plot, I started getting a red flag at the end of season 1 because instead of being about “racism is bad” the show kind of gave me a vibe of “white people are bad people”. I have no idea how they got funded to make a season 2, I tried getting into it saw the first 3 episodes but then gave up.
This show is just too bad, it goes the feminist social justice warrior road in season 2 and it is just too much for me. I can recommend the movie but please don’t make yourself watch the series.
Haters Back Off.
Miranda Sings is a terrible YouTube star but her parents are afraid to tell her the truth so they back her up every single step of the way, especially her dad (who is also her manager) who defends every single one of the mean comments she gets on her videos.
I don’t know if I am just not the core audience for this show but omg this is bad, I dont even know what made me watch the first season but there is so little of a plot for this “comedy” that they recycle the same “jokes” over and over again. How this became a season 2? I really don’t know, it might be Miranda Sings’ YouTube community who loves it because she is part of the show because I really can’t see any other appeal to this show.
The Get Down.
Zeke is in love with Mylene, and to get her he meets underground DJ Shaolin Fantastic to start the hip-hop crew The Get Down Brothers.
The crew is completed when they meet Ra-Ra and Boo-Boo Kipling, and we follow the young men to their rise to fame in an era where hip-hop is just starting to trend but disco is what the people want. As a hip-hop fan you need to have seen this show. It has many accurate stories about the birth of hip-hop in the ’70s and with the rapper Nas doing the intro to each episode the show is a masterpiece.
Well season 1 is at least, season 2 is not bad but in my opinion they should had stopped after the first season. They planned on a season 3 but the show was cancelled, so can I recommend this show? Oh yes, even if you are not a fan of hip-hop but just a music fan you will enjoy it.
That was it for my Netflix reviews of shows that got a season 2, leave a comment and let me know what your favourite or least favourite season 2 of a Netflix show is, and if you agree or disagree with my opinions!

I actually agree with most of this written in here. I agree that shows are sometimes dragged onto another season or even worse a third. After watching some of the shows mentioned here Season 2, i agree that most of them wasn’t needed and it should of been left the way it ended in the first season.