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New Year's Resolutions: 1 month in!0
By - Posted 4th July, 2015 at 9:52 pm

We’re well into the swing of February now – second month of the year – and I want to know how all your New Year’s resolutions are doing!
I don’t generally like the idea of setting yourself new things to do at New Year. I always think that if you want to change something, why not just change it, no matter what time of year?
Having said that, I did kind of set myself some new goals and things, simply because of Christmas presents or conversations in December last year! A few of my colleagues at work go to a Pilates session twice a week and I’ve always been into yoga & meditation so I said I’d give it a go once the sessions started again.
So far I’ve been to 2 sessions (out of 3 – I wasn’t allowed to go last week, doctor’s orders!), and I’m really lovingit. I’ve been wanting to put on weight for ages now and the best option right now seems to be muscle weight. The tutor even said I could have a six pack if I go every week for a year… now that’s a goal and a half!! 
The other thing related to a Christmas present! After getting into running last year I decided I wanted to track my steps as well… I don’t really know why! I did get one though, and I’ve been wearing it every day! My “resolution” though was to walk at least 5,000 steps every day – something I’ve managed (almost) every day! I’ve sort of amended the resolution now to be an *average* of 5,000 steps a day, which is definitely done – the most I’ve done is 13,654!
So I think mine are going fairly well. I’m usually quite determined and pretty much always do what I set out to do, but I am impressed with myself a bit!
How about you? Have you kept yours so far? Comment below to join in the discussion

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