There are a lot of myths about introverts that people believe to be true. Being an introvert myself, I’ve had people assume things about me and a lot of people have even told me they were put off talking to me for a while because they didn’t understand. Here are 5 myths about introverts that people have asked me about:
We hate people
Introverts tend to befriend a small group of people and can often count our close friends on one hand. However, we don’t hate people. We just prefer smaller groups of people.
We’re shy
This is one I get a lot, but shyness has nothing to do with being an introvert. We don’t like small talk so we need a reason to interact. If you bring up a topic that we’re interested in we could talk for weeks.
We don’t like to go outside
I love going outside. I just don’t like going outside for long periods of time. We’ll go out for a bit, but then we will need to go home to process it all and recharge.
We always want to be alone
We tend to be comfortable being alone with our own thoughts and doing our own thing, but we also get lonely. We may not like big groups of people, but that doesn’t mean we always want to be alone.
We don’t make good leaders
A lot of introverts excel in leading others. A lot of leaders throughout history have been classified as introverts, including Bill Gates, Abraham Lincoln, and Gandhi.
Are you an introvert yourself? Do you know of any more? Let me know by posting a comment below.

I am an introvert! And I can relate to all of these!
you’re not wrong
This is truth.
Thanks for this post!
TRUE! I don’t talk very often but when we’ve found a good subject to discuss… oh my god, nobody can stop me