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CPU Game Highlight: League of Legends4
By - Posted 24th July, 2015 at 2:00 am Entertainment

I have always wanted to do a spotlight in which I am able to give you, a potential game player, a chance to give opportunity to new games. When it comes to computer games it is real simple; they have to be good enough to run on your computer. Some require more RAM than others. Some require a certain video card. Logistically, I’m not that detailed when it comes to these type of spotlights, but I will give a sample of a game and give you some fun news about it.

Today, I felt like giving a spotlight to; League of Legends. This online download-based game is a very fun and interactive game, where you and four other champions battle against another five champions in attempt to claim territory and take over the opponent’s base. Since this is a computer based game there are certain keys that you will use. Your basic keys are going to be Q, W, E, R, D and F. QWER represent an attack that your champion possesses based upon what type they are (Which I will explain below). Your D and F are extra abilities that you gain as you level up, which can be an extra shield, heal, etc. Essentially there are different ways to play the game, but each one has a similar objective: to destroy the enemy. There are three paths you can take; Top, Mid, Jungle and Bottom Lane. Each lane is marked by a certain type of champion and each champion has their own ability in which they will be stronger in lanes than others. Top lane champions are those who you would consider “tanks”, or those who can support themselves in battle. These champions will have a high shield level, and attack will be relatively high as well.

Your Mid champions will generally be those who are mages, or those whose ability power is higher. These people will have relatively low shield levels, but high ability power. Your Bottom lane champions will consist of an Attack Damage Carry (ADC) and a Support. Your ADC will have a high attack speed and attack damage, whilst your support will be a champion who is mainly ability power. Lastly, Junglers will be the champions who are “tanky” champions but also have the ability to support top, mid and bottom lane.

I began playing this game about three years ago and I quickly got addicted to it. Mostly in the manner of being able to play it with friends from around the block and my friends in another city. I began using this champion called Lux. She is a Mid lane, or Bottom Support champion. I fell in love with what she could do and her abilities. Lux has the stamina to ward off a lane and become very strong through her ability power. I chose her because of her attacks, but also due to her being a mage. Lumosity (light) is her main focus with her attacks. Just solely based upon her battle style I made my decision to use her.

I know this highlight on this video game was very simple, but gave you an introduction to the game, and to a special character that has kept me playing over and over again.

Do you play League of Legends? If so, what champion do you enjoy using? If you don’t play, what type of computer games do you play?

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    guitarenchi commented on 24th July, 2015

    OMG! Finally someone who plays League of Legends! Yes, I know there aren’t most girl gamers but here’s one!!! 😀 I usually play support 🙂 Playing as morgana / lux. Bc morgana and lux r my top 2 fav!!! Unless it’s Aram. Aram I love using Morg, Lux, Caitlyn, Ahri etc.. ( I actually do spend money to buy skins for those champs I main >< ) But that game is rlly addicting I'd say. Once I start playing it, I just can't stop playing it & the game lasts around 30 mins – 1 h ( once it took 1.5h ). wooop 😀

    OddKrAtNo commented on 24th July, 2015

    Yeah i’ve played league allot, have currently played over 1500 normal games in total of all my users. My first user was made in mid season 3. I was Gold 4 and did a server change to eu-west and got bronce 3, so i’m currently on a ranked break, I can play all lanes equally good as my main role, Adc. Right now i play allot of Olaf, he got me a 15 game win streak in ranked!.

    Rachel_137 commented on 2nd August, 2015

    OFC you would do a article on League 😛

    Bikini commented on 10th September, 2017

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