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Gossiping – The ‘Good’ and The Bad.1
By - Posted 14th February, 2016 at 9:19 pm The Real World

Health, Life, Relationships

Want a popular thread filled with views and replies? Post gossip. Indeed, some of the most popular threads on the forum involve accusations of catfishing, crushes and inappropriate chatting/camming! But what are the consequences of gossiping?

Yes, gossiping brings us closer to our friends.  We all love to hear how that bobba we hate is having a relationship crisis!  However, having myself been the victim of untrue gossip, my advice is: don’t believe every piece of gossip you hear! And if you do have to gossip, please make sure the information you’re spreading is correct.

Still want to gossip? Here’s 5 reasons why not to:

  1. People will stop trusting you, no one wants to open up to someone who spreads other’s secrets.
  2. Your victims usually find out and WILL gossip behind your back too. Just hope they don’t have any information against you!
  3. You are potentially tarnishing someone’s reputation for life. Who wants to hire someone who allegedly put a bottle up their private area?!
  4. More seriously – you are placing someone’s personal life in jeopardy. Rumours can place strain on people’s relationship and status.
  5.      If you feel the need to spread rumours about someone and cause them unhappiness, you’re likely insecure and unhappy with your own life. Speaking as a reformed gossiper (OK… I like some gossip… but I don’t like to participate in the spreading of it!), the happier you are, the happier you want others to be! So let’s be nicer to each other and ourselves :).


So, does anyone want to take this chance to clear up misunderstandings caused by rumours? Or, even braver, does anyone want to admit to their gossiping sins?

And remember guys – if someone happily spreads gossip to you, they won’t hesitate to gossip ABOUT you :).

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    Bolt660 commented on 15th February, 2016

    Fab article! I agree the effects of gossiping and spreading rumours can be devastating on people if done maliciously! Half of the time people don’t know the real story!

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