Want a popular thread filled with views and replies? Post gossip. Indeed, some of the most popular threads on the forum involve accusations of catfishing, crushes and inappropriate chatting/camming! But what are the consequences of gossiping?
Yes, gossiping brings us closer to our friends. We all love to hear how that bobba we hate is having a relationship crisis! However, having myself been the victim of untrue gossip, my advice is: don’t believe every piece of gossip you hear! And if you do have to gossip, please make sure the information you’re spreading is correct.
Still want to gossip? Here’s 5 reasons why not to:
- People will stop trusting you, no one wants to open up to someone who spreads other’s secrets.
- Your victims usually find out and WILL gossip behind your back too. Just hope they don’t have any information against you!
- You are potentially tarnishing someone’s reputation for life. Who wants to hire someone who allegedly put a bottle up their private area?!
- More seriously – you are placing someone’s personal life in jeopardy. Rumours can place strain on people’s relationship and status.
- If you feel the need to spread rumours about someone and cause them unhappiness, you’re likely insecure and unhappy with your own life. Speaking as a reformed gossiper (OK… I like some gossip… but I don’t like to participate in the spreading of it!), the happier you are, the happier you want others to be! So let’s be nicer to each other and ourselves :).
So, does anyone want to take this chance to clear up misunderstandings caused by rumours? Or, even braver, does anyone want to admit to their gossiping sins?
And remember guys – if someone happily spreads gossip to you, they won’t hesitate to gossip ABOUT you :).

Fab article! I agree the effects of gossiping and spreading rumours can be devastating on people if done maliciously! Half of the time people don’t know the real story!