The raw open wound that is your heart, love gushing out of it at such a speed as they smash it to smithereens with their razor blade words. You scream ‘NO’ as they continue to break it, nothing stopping them on their mission. Their blows coming harder & faster, desperately wanting to break you, destroy you.
It suddenly comes to an abrupt end; they simply turn and walk away as if out of a trance & heading back to normality – but you don’t know what that is anymore.
You stand there with your wounded heart, it’s hardly beating, it’s covered in bruises and there are a few pieces missing – what now? Collapsing onto the floor and folding yourself up into the tightest ball you can make, you sob – hard. God, this hurts – more than you imagined it would. Make it stop! But it won’t stop, it won’t let up, no matter what you try.
You stay in this painful cocoon for a few weeks, months, until you’ve suddenly had enough. Yes, you’re exhausted & drained from all the pain you’ve been carrying in your heart, but look, it’s a little better; it’s still broken with pieces missing of course but the bruises are healing. And wait, what’s that? In the distance something catches your eye; some sort of light that is slowly making its way towards you. You stand in preparation – who knows who it could be? Then you see it. A person, who like you, is carrying a wounded heart. They appear to have missing pieces too & woah, those cuts look worse than yours. They stumble towards you, their light so bright you can hardly see.
Something is happening to your heart; you watch as it begins to pulsate, at a faster rate than usual. It begins to pull from your hands towards them, as if showing you the way. You look up, their light isn’t so bright now, you can make out their face & you see a smile – so warm, so gentle.