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Rejection Article1
By - Posted 28th February, 2018 at 5:30 am The Real World

We’ve got a problem

At the highest pinnacle of possibility of decisions that are in our hands concerning affective relationships (especially on the internet, since we are constantly needing to use a certain apophenia in order to give any fragments of life to text fonts and everything whose life is not there), we progressively discover our natural inability to deal with rejections from people we met 5 minutes ago, after trying to take advantage of our best magnetizing skills to flirt with them, or simply to polish and enhance our call list, and we begin to self-impose tons of emotional traps that throw us into a crazy bubble of manipulation, preventing us from relating to other people, or being who we really are! Funny how humans always crave for the worst, eh?

… It is our curiously ridiculous but common and obsessive tendency of disintegrating into our bodies as whole as human beings, to be temporarily on the margins of ourselves and, as abusively permissive people, to deliver the master-key of our sanity to an entirely unknown person who was responsible for our temporary gravitation for some silly reason (EX: they knew how to dance well or made a joke that made you think there would not be somebody in the world who could make you laugh like that). Then we commit the heinous crime of interpreting the insensitive swine’s (the other person) feedback as the ultimate opinion about what you really are, as if, all of a sudden, you outsource the very idea about yourself that you have accumulated during your 15, 20, 25, 30 years of life because, for less than 10 seconds, a person you really do not really know, said NO to you!



We are not here to judge this since, under normal conditions, fearing rejection and listening to the contrary of our expectations is a universal thing and the world is limited to those who have it and those who hide it well! But, dude (and now consider this section of the article as a deconstructed monologue), if this is not something problematic, I do not know what it is, so why do we STILL do this? There are so many special people in the world!! Why do we need to try to reheat the cold and ignore the whole spectacle of lights and colours that surround our beautiful horizons and make us believe that our existence only becomes bold when we are next to someone that, deep down, we do not want to stay with? Why do we never recognize the individuality of all creatures and also the thought that, like us, they also have the right to dislike something? Why does everything always have to be taken so seriously and personally?



Fruit of experience, the listening of sad ballads and a certain superhuman strength of will, the eternal rejected find the strength to rise and try again. This time with a different person, probably even with themselves, as to centralize their existence at once and assert themselves as recognizers of their strengths and weaknesses, and what makes them move forward. For, if we do not know who we are, any conception that other people make about us will be bought quickly and will be dictated as the absolute truth. You’re not cool enough. You’re not smart, they’re more fun, you’re going to die alone. They don’t even have to say the words; our anxious imaginations do this job very well. Conscious of these lies, we delicately put them into the abyss of permanent oblivion, and thus we start looking for love again, without any kind of regret – dreaming about the YES and, if anything, being able to say “NEXT!” as quickly as possible!

Like! 3
    Badr56 commented on 3rd March, 2018

    Great Article, yea getting dumped sucks tried it way too many times ;/

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