It’s like a sci-fi movie come to life, it really is. The 10 metre long, 150kg monster of a squid has been caught by fishermen aboard a boat named Minchos just off the coast of the northern Asturias region. Honestly, we wouldn’t be too surprised if you don’t believe us with this story, but rest assured, this is no sci-fi conspiracy – this squid is actually real. Weighing in at a staggering 330lbs and measuring 33ft long, this is the biggest squid ever seen by the human eye.
The squid is believed to be a female, caught in fishermen’s nets at a depth of around 500m underwater. Personally, I think this to be one of the craziest and intimidating sea stories ever, I can’t quite imagine being the one to bring this thing out of the water and to the human eye; quite the achievement if you ask me.
Now frozen and sent off to experts at ‘The Study’, we hope to gather some more information about just how a creature of this size came about. This could just be the beginning ladies and gentlemen, what do the depths of the deep have in store for us next? I expect to see the Kraken any day now. Either way, I hope it doesn’t get much bigger than this beast of a squid, or I might just be put off sea food permanently.