2016 has not been a very good year at all… But it’s not all bad! Here’s a list of things that have happened in the past 12 months that should cheer you up and not have you fearing another celebrity might pass away. Information in this article has been sourced from BuzzFeed, The Guardian, Wired, and Tumblr.
- 5 year survival of pancreatic cancer has nearly doubled in likelihood.
- Child mortality keeps going down everywhere.
- A solar powered plane flew around the world.
- Michael Jordan donated $2 million to build a bridge between police & the community.
- Numbers of many endangered animals are growing.
- 6 million homes in California are powered by solar power.
- Solar power in general.
- In India, 50 million trees were planted in 24 hours by volunteers.
- In the last 20-30 years, world crime has decreased in general.
- It’s been proved that coffee helps reduce suicide rates.
- The ozone layer is repairing itself.
- People dressed as angels blocked the view of anti-gay protesters from a funeral for the Pulse Orlando victims.
- Death by heart disease in the US has decreased by a massive 70%.
- Portugal ran itself on renewable energy for four days straight.
- People survived illnesses.
- People were born.
- People had birthdays.
- People spent time with family.
- People had fun.
- People came together & cared.
- We had a good year for films (FINDING DORY).
- Obama was President (in my own, British opinion he’s the best President the US has had).
- A man woke from a coma after ultrasound waves were beamed into his brain.
- People actually paid attention to climate change.
- Habbox is still an official fansite!
If you have any more good news, real life or Habbo, let us know in the comments!