As you all know, (and are probably bored of hearing about it) I got fired from my real life job that I endured for almost three years. If you haven’t read the article that I wrote pretty much during my suspension period before I got fired, click here to do so. This article is basically me telling myself that I’m over it. Over the frustration and sadness that I felt during that time and for months after it.
It’s been a little over four months since I got fired. I won’t lie but it’s been a crazy four months. I was never embarrassed by what I did and what happened because of what I did but for the four months up until now, I have been a ball of frustration with little things making me upset. I really miss it. It sounds so stupid because I actually hated working there, but I really do miss it. I miss the colleagues and the nice customers (there were a couple of those). For months after leaving, I would walk into Morrisons and end up crying because a colleague hugged me or a customer spoke to me asking me why I don’t work there anymore. Four months on and I can now say I’ve moved on. It sounds so stupid like the end of a relationship but it sort of was like that.
I thought being fired for gross misconduct would actually ruin all my job applications but I’ve come to realise how easy it actually is to go into interviews and say nothing about the reason why you have left a job. I guess that’s a little naughty, though.
As controversial as it is, I’ve now realised that being fired was the best thing that could have happened to me at that time. The management was worse than the customers, the stress and fear of people became overbearing and the fact that all my friends here in Aberystwyth were Morrisons colleagues are three things that make me feel happy that leaving was for the best (and the fact that I was able to focus on my ‘studies’ more since I am a masters student) I’ve always said you don’t leave that place unless you get fired.
Today, I signed a contract. I am now employed by a different retail store where the management is clearly so different to Morrisons. I feel confident and excited to start there as they take training and staff very seriously (also the pay is much better).
This has allowed me to finally close the door on my Morrisons past. I am now confident enough to walk into Morrisons and tell them that I still have my locker key and all my stuff is still in my locker. I am now confident enough to walk in and see those who fired me and not look like that sad, little-unemployed girl. It’s over. I’ve done it. I’ve moved on.
… And breathe.
Hillary Egg can certainly sympathise with you. She is glad you have a new job and she is hoping she can claim hers soon!

sounds like a much better opportunity now!!! well done on the new job, now you can walk into morrisons if you need and socialise with those people without having to be constantly reminded as you’ll have a new job and not be worrying at all
congratulations on getting a new and better job, you should be super proud of yourself!
Aww, well done on the new job Mrs!
It sounds like you’ll enjoy it a lot more! I miss my old job sometimes too because of the people I worked with so I totally get you there! Enjoy!!! 
see you clinton
Very nice article you’ve got here!
BBOOOOO comment
Crikey more eggs
these the egg