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Staff members pinching "rare" names!0
By - Posted 4th July, 2015 at 9:35 pm

A quick solution to a long-term problem!

‘A’, ‘Habbo’, ‘Red’ – These are just a few names which are considered “rare” (although they should be considered “commonly sought after” considering every single account name is unique and therefore rare) and might be desired by thousands of new users. These types of names may look fairly “intriguing” in the hotel but many people wonder “what’s the point?”. I mean, after all it is just a name – there’s no need to make a gigantic fuss over what your username is on  a virtual game. One person summed this up very nicely by saying:

“I’ve never really seen the obsession with “rare names”. I think the name you originally request when you first join up to Habbo says the most about you, and it’s interesting to see how people “grow up” over the years and no longer like it.”

However, a few people may think that “rare” names make you look like you’ve been playing Habbo for longer and are more experienced in the game… which somehow presents a “cooler” image of a user (personally, I think the point about image is ridiculous – experience varies). So it looks like there is always going to be a bit of dispute over “rare” names between users.

Anyway, the real issue here is regarding customer support. Many users harass customer support for a name change to an account that hasn’t been taken but is unavailable for anyone to claim. A good example would be “4” – one character usernames are not allowed anymore thus meaning no-one can create an account titled “4”. Customer support staff took a stand and finally decided to put an end to all this harassment from users who constantly begged for a name change! They created a few of the accounts using the “rare” names so that they were unavailable for users to claim. A few of the accounts include:

  • 4
  • Badminton
  • Administrator

(Badminton cannot be claimed due to the section highlighted in bold – Sulake wish for no-one to claim they are an administrator.)

This may only be a few “rare” account names, but the list could grow as time goes on… who knows?!

So, do you think it was a good decision for customer support to take all these account names? Maybe you requested one of those names yourself? Whatever your view, share it by clicking “Read More & Comment”!

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