As planned, Sulake has now re-distributed its resources, closing down many international offices and sticking to three key operating centers. The centers have been all well distributed into three areas with each having a defined role. The office in Finland is and has always been their main office and is responsible for technology and products. This means the basic development of Habbo in terms of graphics etc., as well as the integration of new apps such as the recently released Niko mobile app. Further to this there’s a newly expanded office in Madrid, Spain, which is in charge of user care and any complaints people might have about the game. Finally, we have a UK centre that looks after a slightly new concept of the company- social media. This is now vital as staff communicate to users via twitter and want to move Habbo into the age of social media, something that has been a bit lack-luster in the past.
So will this affect the overall operation of the game you may ask. Well, the simple answer is no, this move won’t have major repercussions on the daily operations of Habbo staff and much of Habbo will still be moderated stringently as before. Although, there were reportedly some layoffs in terms of moderators from the now defunct office of Singapore, who were a hotly talked about topic in past months due to some poor moderating decisions and lack of minimum wage. This move in general was all part of a re-shuffle of the company by CEO Paul Lafontaine who wanted to shift the focus on the users and other application generated content. Only time will tell whether such a strategy is a shining success or a deadly disaster for the company.
What do you think about these new offices and the distribution of such offices into three sections; let us know by clicking ‘read more’ and dropping by a comment!
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