Over 4,200 Habbo’s answered the poll with their estimates of how many stairs there were, and just over 3,500 of them got it right! To win this competition, you had to climb up the “never ending” staircase, counting each and every step as you go. Habbo have revealed there were 704 steps, so a massive well done to the winners who managed to keep count!
The winners have received the “never ending stair case badge”, and Habbo have also picked 100 random Habbo’s who will receive the USVA maze building prize pack, which is worth 20 credits!
Congratulation to the following, who were randomly chosen to receive the USVA maze building pack:
,Breezyy ,EpicLove. ,LegendaryToby .:NsYc:. .Brandon:. .chocosophie. .Krista15nicole :Raichu ?supav 1se 25663Dragon afiq460=afiq480 Alice: -alicia., Allie- astraatje Attached BingQiLln Blip -Bobba- bridgedudett bubblelotty Cassiah charpor chrissyboy223 claireyz Coolredpandaman Cupcakes DarkChocolate deluxe96 Doped. drujon Eyeda. FearceTiger Fidelis. Fraud Funepicswager GirlyyFrog GroovinSou1 grottos hanscullen happy! Hawaii5.O Hotsamhamdeh200 iamcool911 InvisableFlame Irah iSophisticate Izan jackieeeo jamawolf Jibbin joeplommers knot-a-name Kromium KungFu987 ladyWannaP laurenlionrules ldk317 leah1113 lenmark32 lilnaana Lionesar lMortal.B4nn LucasHB LucyBabes.x Magictrick Mandii… MattChristensen MaybeUhm. Merzz msash10 NathanTWarren nouvelle -Ollie, palms patrick28309 Peace.Alexis Pinkslam Pollow PureFresh, -RanDamn- RayGuned Red -SAFE- Salmanoo Sknids SmackBrad suicidehotline ToXiC.:KiSs TwilightLight Unxbected Visera VolleyballPro Warple Warrior wownoobz xiaojet: xlacky zacandcool -Shaun? -Davoo.
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